![Standing in front of the DigiPen Institute of Technology sign in Redmond, Washington, senior Simon Moss visits the college campus on a trip to Seattle. While visiting the school, Moss got to see what different programs DigiPen offers more in depth and meet new people. “[DigiPen] is going to be great because everyone that was accepted got invited to a discord [server] and everyone has been able to talk to each other and get to know everyone,” Moss said. “I don’t want to be in a campus where they have too many fields and people have different interests, but here everyone is very like minded.” (Photo courtesy of Simon Moss)](https://cphswolfpack.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/simon-moss-900x675.jpg)
Standing in front of the DigiPen Institute of Technology sign in Redmond, Washington, senior Simon Moss visits the college campus on a trip to Seattle. While visiting the school, Moss got to see what different programs DigiPen offers more in depth and meet new people. “[DigiPen] is going to be great because everyone that was accepted got invited to a discord [server] and everyone has been able to talk to each other and get to know everyone,” Moss said. “I don’t want to be in a campus where they have too many fields and people have different interests, but here everyone is very like minded.” (Photo courtesy of Simon Moss)
All it takes is a few seconds to be transported into a digital world. With video games providing an outlet for countless hours of endless creativity and imagination, it’s incredible to think that a team of people created the sequence of numbers behind the screen. While the average player just stays behind the controllers, senior Simon Moss is ready to press start on his new journey through the infinent world of technology.
Moss will be furthering his education at DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond, Washington this fall and will be studying Computer Science in Game Design.
“What made me interested in the school [is] it only lets you study majors in the field that I love,” Moss said. “I can get along with everyone and we all have the same interests, which is definitely a school filled with nerds, but those are my kind of people [and] are the best. I don’t have to worry about dumb parties or people smoking or drinking, and to top it off, Seattle is the kind of weather I love. I want to leave the hot, hot Texas.”
With DigiPen being Moss’s top school, it was important to him to perfect the application process to better his chances. Other than the standard information needed to be submitted, Moss was also required to complete two essays, along with providing two teacher recommendations. When decision day finally came, Moss’s hard work paid off.
“When I heard I got in, I didn’t believe it, like I really didn’t, but I saw the confetti after I refreshed [the page],” Moss said. “I screamed during a class, and told my mom first, then my dad. My dad said ‘bull crap no freaking way.’ Everyone in my family was so happy for me.”
DigiPen offers a variety of degrees centered around computer science, animation and game design. With the school’s main focus being different varieties of software technology, it aligned with the everyday hobbies that Moss enjoys.
“My hobbies are of course playing video games, but I also enjoy game soundtracks,” Moss said. “I love playing games that use my creative ability. I also loved making films with my green screen, so that entire school is the creative field and it aligns perfectly for me.”
Moss plans to start his career after college in the field of game development and produce video games of different genres and varieties.
“I have a ton of ideas for games, but have not been able to start any, as that’s what I hope to learn in school,” Moss said. “I want to create a game my mom requested, which is a Candy Crush like game, but it insults you as you’re playing. I also want to make my own PVE game, along with an airport upgrade sort of game. I have a major idea that I can predict will come in 30 years time, and it will be one of the best gaming experiences anyone has played, no details about it though, super confidential.”
DigiPen is a small university compared to other schools with a student body of 1,120 students in the 2022-2023 school year. With the teacher radius from students to faculty being 10:1, Moss will have plenty of time and expertise to learn all he can about the world of Game Design.
“After college, I hope to join a larger game company and help practice my skills, and hope to raise enough money to start my own company and make my dream project,” Moss said. “[My project] will bring so many people together and enjoy something truly amazing that everyone is going to enjoy! It will be my life goal as of course it’s a game, but not just any game. I really hope to make it with people I get to know along the way.”