Girls Cross Country Takes Bronze, Boys Take Fourth at State
January 3, 2019
Jumping for joy, the girls cross country team celebrate their third place bronze win at State on Nov. 4.
Cross country whipped into gear on Aug. 18 in a meet at Cedar Park. It was the first meet of the year for every school, and everyone was ready to run their heat. The team prepared on a system in which they ran seven days a week, year-round, according to senior team member Leah Wilcox. This class of seniors is comprised of long-time runners, including Wilcox, as well as Alena Albertson, Sophia Roach and Liam Ballon.
“My favorite memory from running on the team would have to be getting up to run every Saturday over the summer and during school,” Ballon said. “Afterwards, the guys team would go to get breakfast somewhere and just hang out. Also, getting third at State last year. Just work hard because running is not always fun, but winning is.”
Albertson has signed her intent to run for and attend Chaminade University of Honolulu on a cross country scholarship. Although she was only on the cross country team here at Cedar Park for two seasons, she has proven that she can hang at the top with a lot of top runners in not only the state, but the country.
“Cross gets super hard, but seeing the other girls working hard around me keeps me focused,” Albertson said.
The cross country season finished with a state bronze medal for the girls and a fourth place state showing for the boys.