Social Studies Teacher Josh Marsh
“In the picture, the event was for a club fair, but it was also tied to the conjunction of the Meet the Timberwolves event that was going on that tonight. They rented a dunk tank and I volunteered to go into it, just for the fact that I thought it would be fun and something to do, and honestly it was hot out, but I was one of the first people that volunteered so that’s why I was there. I think it’s one of those things that I did because I want kids to realize that we do support what they do on campus, whether it is sports or other extracurriculars. I think it shows the student body that staff actually care and they want to make sure that they have a fun experience, so anything that you can do that’s silly like that, definitely will help have that camaraderie of the students and the staff together. It definitely builds school spirit. I think showcasing our success in sports and other areas as well shows the student body that there are things going on and that they can join, but also definitely shows that there is pride in our school and that we have a very good school spirit and school attitude.”
Photo Courtesy of Kyra Plas