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Take This, Teach!
Student vs. Faculty Basketball Game Raises Money for Blue Santa
January 29, 2024
About the Contributors
Mai Cachila, Reporter
Mai is a senior and a first year reporter. In addition to being a member of The Wolfpack, she is also a part of the Tracks Yearbook staff. In her free time she likes to read and take photos. She enjoys writing about people’s interests and meeting new people. She is unsure where she will attend college, but wants to study Criminal Justice. She loves hanging out with friends and trying new things.
Penny Moreno, Reporter
Penny is a senior and a third year reporter. In addition to being a staff member of The Wolfpack, she is also a part of the T-Wolf volleyball team and has been since her freshman year. In her free time, she likes to read and hangout with her friends. She enjoys learning more about writing and meeting new people. She hopes to go to the University of Houston to study political science. She loves playing with her cat, sleeping, and eating snacks.
Kacey Miller, Editor-in-Chief
Kacey is a junior and third year reporter. She loves learning about her fellow students and writing about their stories. In addition to being a staff member for The Wolfpack, she is a UIL journalism competitor, the Cedar Park FFA Vice President and has a show lamb named Winnie. If she’s not at the barn or practicing for her FFA contests, she’s probably doing homework. You can find her at every football game, either in the stands or on the sidelines taking pictures. Some of her favorite memories are from reading the Bible with her little sisters. She plans to attend college somewhere cold, but also doesn’t want to be too far away from her family. Her favorite animal is a bear and sometimes she wishes she could hibernate like one.