Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde Cast Prepares to Take Stage
Photo and caption by Sydney Solberg
Seniors Caiti Dodge and Zoe Parkinson rehearse their ensemble member tracks in the number they co-choreographed, “Bend and Snap” on Oct. 30 in the CPHS PAC. Dodge and Parkinson worked together for approximately 30 hours making fun, show-stopping choreography to teach the rest of their castmates. “My favorite number to choreograph was ‘What You Want’ because even though it [the song] is so long, me and Zoe had so many ideas and they all worked,” Dodge said.
This year, the theatre department will be putting on a new musical, Legally Blonde. The cast has been rehearsing since September, five days a week, for three hours each. The performances are on Thursday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m., as well as Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. The show will even be including an ASL translator in Saturday shows. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for adults, and can be purchased at the door or by clicking here.
The cast’s lead role, Elle, played by junior Lindsay Dove, said she knows plenty about hard work and has gone through a lot for this role, including getting a wig sewn into her hair.
“I know personally for me the thing that is the most difficult is trying to balance school and all my other extracurricular activities with the musical,” Dove said. “Another thing that has been a little bit of a hassle has been becoming Elle Woods, like having to wear the wig, which I had to sew on two weeks in advance due to the amount of quick changes and choreography.”
Even though playing Elle Woods can have its moments, Dove said she loves the character.
“Personally, I have loved playing Elle Woods,” Dove said. “Her bubbly personality and positive outlook on almost everything is so fun to portray. Her character growth throughout the play is honestly so inspiring, and I have loved every part of playing her.”
Being a lead role requires hard work, dedication and leadership, all of which junior Evan Vines, who is playing the part of Emmett, said he has experience with from his previous lead roles.
“Since you’re on stage for a lot of the time, it truly becomes a hard amount of work that is being put towards your craft on stage,” Vines said. “Every time that I am cast as a lead role in something, my main goal is to put 200 percent into everything that I’m doing.”
Junior Aidan Peña, who plays the part of Warner, said that this will be his first time being a lead in a musical, as well as his first high school musical ever.
“I feel nervous but simultaneously ecstatic about the musical,” Peña said. “The only other musical I’ve been in was a middle school production, so it’s different because I feel like it’s a bigger deal than before. There is a lot more pressure around me to perform, but the rewards of all our hard work will be so much greater.”
Peña said that it is sometimes hard to play Warner because of the character’s cockiness.
“It’s hard to be cocky one 100 percent of the time, and not retreat into being more humble,” Peña said. “Also, the way that he treats other people sometimes is not how I would.”
Vines said that he loves the show and thinks it is surely worth coming out for this week.
“This musical is about the importance of positivity and self love and I believe that it is a very charming musical, not only to watch but also to learn from,” Vines said. “This year’s show will be amazing and I’m most excited because it’s full of fantastic chemistry between every character on stage.”

Kieren is a senior and it is her second year on staff. After high school, she plans on going to UNT or Texas State and majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing and minoring in psychology. She enjoys writing about self care, interesting people, and youth struggles. You can almost always find Kieren reading or writing when she isn't dazing off into space or trying to pass math.