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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

Ingrid Bonner

Ingrid Bonner, Reporter

Ingrid is a senior first-year reporter. Other than newspaper, Ingrid is a shift lead working part-time at Chick-Fil-A, and is involved in multiple honor societies at school. Ingrid is a twin born five minutes after her sister…spoiler alert, her sister always rubs it in her face.  Ingrid aspirers to be either a civil rights lawyer or a corporate lawyer. Right now Ingrid’s biggest goal is getting into Texas A&M along with her twin sister. Ingrid hates raw fish like tuna or shrimp, but loves California rolls. Also, she believes that the Brachiosaurus is the best dinosaur.

All content by Ingrid Bonner
“Mufasa: The Lion King” was released Dec. 20, 2024, telling the story of a once great ruler of Pride Rock. © Disney Entertainment

His Life Before the Kingdom

Ingrid Bonner, Reporter
February 26, 2025
Standing in front of the field at a freshman football game, cheerleader freshman Jacob Gaudreau along with teammate freshman Bella Gibson pose for a photo during halftime of game. “[Cheer has] definitely given me a much more  outgoing personality,” Gaudreau said. “I used to be very introverted, so it's definitely made me more extroverted towards people.”

Breaking Barriers

Ingrid Bonner, Reporter
October 23, 2024
Above pictures some of the brass members performing “The Cutting Edge” officially for the BOA program. “It felt really relieving in some way,” Meharbani-Farsi said. ”I feel I was putting in all my effort, people were watching me and the band and seeing Cedar Park as what Cedar Park really is at BOA.” Photo used with permission from CPHS SmugMug.

Marching the Stage

Ingrid Bonner, Reporter
October 17, 2024
St​​anding in the library, members of Project Care pose for a photo. Founding members, Jen Nguyen, Ashley Blair and Annabelle Staples created Project Care as part of HOSA campaign. HOSA is a hands-on clinical experience that allows students to get a feel for what they want to do in the future. “We really have​​ a genuine passion for advocating for mental issues,” Nguyen said. “And we feel like it is an underserved topic that no one really addresses or doesn’t address deeply enough with school, regarding adolescents. It’s usually to get your sleep, eat, drink water.” Photo courtesy of Rose Nguyen

Raising Voices

Ingrid Bonner, Reporter
September 24, 2024
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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School
Ingrid Bonner