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As part of the Behind the Ballot series, The Wolfpack and Wolfcast collaborated to cover the 2024 Leander Independent School District Board of Trustees elections. Each candidate was invited to an interview with juniors Jane Yermakov, Kyra Cox, Michael Moracchi and senior Rania Adil over the course of a week in October. The CPHS News staff came up with questions they felt were important to the students of CPHSGraphic by Ryan Green
As part of the Behind the Ballot series, The Wolfpack and Wolfcast collaborated to cover the 2024 Leander Independent School District Board of Trustees elections. Each candidate was invited to an interview with juniors Jane Yermakov, Kyra Cox, Michael Moracchi and senior Rania Adil over the course of a week in October. The CPHS News staff came up with questions they felt were important to the students of CPHSGraphic by Ryan Green
Ryan Green

Behind the Ballot: School Board Candidates

Find Interviews and Q&As Here

As part of the Behind the Ballot series, The Wolfpack and Wolfcast collaborated to cover the 2024 Leander Independent School District Board of Trustees elections. Each candidate was invited to an interview with juniors Jane Yermakov, Kyra Cox, Michael Moracchi and senior Rania Adil over the course of a week in October. The CPHS News staff came up with questions they felt were important to the students of CPHS. Read the full transcripts below.

Please note:

  • The views and opinions expressed by the candidates are their own, and their claims were not verified by CPHS News. The CPHS News staff gave the candidates a platform to share their beliefs and experiences to allow students to make informed voting decisions.
  • The transcribed interviews below were done based on the recorded audio. Please email [email protected] if you find an error.
  • Special thanks to the candidates who gave their time to be interviewed. These interviews served an impactful learning experience for the high school students who worked on them, from scheduling interviews to handling technology issues, to developing questions and hosting people running for public office in a professional interview setting.

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About the Contributors
Jane Yermakov
Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
Jane is a junior and an assistant editor. She’s always excited to meet new people, give them a voice and put their stories into writing. She loves listening to all different types of music, reading and binge-watching nostalgic rom-coms. She loves to write about people and their unique stories. After graduation, she’s still not sure what she wants to do, but hopes to attend UT Austin. She’s obsessed with looking too deeply into movies, watching corny shows with her friends and she loves her dog.
Rania Adil
Rania Adil, Reporter
Rania is a senior and first-year reporter. While she’s a member of various honor societies, Rania is also the PALS President, Architecture Club’s Social Media Manager and Senior Representative in PTSA. Working part-time at the Enclave Senior Residency, she always advocates to better the lives of others, even if it’s by simple conversation. Born in Iraq, she is fluent in Arabic and is learning Turkish to feed her obsession with the culture and the shows. After graduating, she hopes to go to the University of Texas at Austin to major in architecture. Rania loves photography, “La La Land,” Finneas, reading and spending time with friends and family.