Recently elected FFA officers prepare for 2016 school year
Vice President and junior Charlie Hoppe addresses FFA members during a meeting on Jan 14. Hoppe will be president of FFA next year, and said he is grateful for being selected to serve. “I’m excited to lead our chapter next year,” Hoppe said. “I definitely plan on getting more people involved in FFA next year.”
June 1, 2015
FFA officer elections were held on April 15, with president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, sentinel and student adviser positions available. Next year’s president will be junior Charlie Hoppe, VP will be sophomore Jacob Coers, secretary will be junior Connor Lowe, treasurer will be freshman Miranda Louviere, reporter will be junior Mackenzie Keefer, sentinel will be junior Walker Hormuth and student advisor will be freshman Cynthia Germaine.
In order to be an eligible candidate, one has to submit an application, take a test and have an interview. The students’ interviews and tests are scored, and they are only eligible if the scores they receive add up to 70 points. Eligible candidates then write speeches, and the voting process takes place. Students receive their officer positions based on the voters’ decisions.
VP Hoppe said he looks forward to leading his chapter next year.
“Being the president is a big responsibility and I am excited to lead our chapter,” Hoppe said. “As president, I’ll be the senior officer on the team, and I’ll help the other officers make decisions, along with working alongside the other officers at chapter functions.”
Hoppe was one of the many FFA members to attend the recent FFA BBQ and Dance, and was optimistic about the outcome of the fundraiser.
“The BBQ and Dance were a great fundraiser,” Hoppe said. “I was not involved in facilitation of the event, but I attended and the community showed a lot of support and excitement for FFA.”
Coers said he was very proud to have been chosen for the VP position.
“Being VP is a huge responsibility and I am honored to serve this position,” Coers said. “As VP, I am required to assist the president in his duties, and serve as a role model. I plan on getting more people involved in FFA and bringing more energy to the organization. This year, I helped raise awareness for the Dance, BBQ and Silent Auction fundraisers. It was important for me to raise awareness because these fundraisers all fund next year’s program.”
Secretary Lowe will be improving his current role as secretary next year, and plans for a more organized and focused year.
“I am very excited to be the secretary for a second year, I now know what to do next year and I’m ready,” Lowe said. “As secretary, I’m the person who keeps things organized. I have to report attendance for every meeting, keep track of the planning that goes on in the meetings and it’s my job to know all of the information about FFA. The next school year will be much more organized and focused than last year, I plan on it.”