The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

After running 5 kilometers, senior Sanil Desai finishes his cross country race at Vista Ridge. Desai will be attending Brown University in the fall to pursue an education in medicine. “The feeling of finishing a race is so rewarding,” Desai said. “Being involved in a variety of extracurriculars has taught me how to balance my time and be well rounded. These activities have also allowed me to be involved in my interests and the school.
Photo by Mai Cachila
Time to Scrub in
Mai Cachila, Reporter • May 24, 2024

His cursor hovers over the email...

Crossing her fingers tightly, senior Sophie Triche smiles proudly for her senior photo. Triche plans to attend Kilgore college and is hopeful to continue high kicking with the Rangerettes in the fall. “When I first saw the Rangerettes, I was enamored by how professional they were,” Triche said. “It made me absolutely fall in love with them and everything they do. I knew I wanted to dance after high school and the Rangerettes to me, feels like home. I could not be more excited when I made the official decision to try out and let my friends and family know that I was committed to be a hopeful for such a world renowned dance team.” Photo Courtesy of Sophie Triche
Kicking into History
Morgan Nabi, Guest Reporter • May 24, 2024

The hours of training, listening...

Instructing his students, tennis coach Randy Ballenger gives feedback on the dish in front of them. Ballenger has been teaching at Cedar Park for 19 years and just took on the introduction to culinary course this school year. “For the most part its been just a unique amazing work,” Ballenger said. “It’s the community that keeps me here, the people that I work with and just the encompassing school. Its just an amazing place and Im definitely rooted here for a while.”
Photo by Mai Cachila
Much More than a Coach
Mai Cachila, Reporter • May 23, 2024

After having coached tennis, taught...

Standing with his guitar during Garage Band practice, senior Trevor Von Wupperfeld smiles for the camera. Von Wupperfeld was a founding member of the club, along with a long line of other activities at Cedar Park that earned him the title of Most Involved. “All of the music programs at our school are very, very dedicated, Von Wupperfeld said. Its kind of an all or nothing type of deal. And I am not a big fan of the all or nothing. So I kinda found a garage band to house all of the musicians who didnt have a place in the school or people who didnt have a traditional instrument they played. We take guitarists and basses and all kinds of stuff.  Photo Courtesy of Trevor Von Wupperfeld
Rockstar President
Arav Neroth, Guest Reporter • May 23, 2024

From making music with his club...

Holding her debut novel Lorida, senior Lilly Stone poses with her self-published novel for her senior photos. Stone said that she is optimistic about what her future holds in the literary world, and is proud of how far she has come despite the odds. “It doesnt take a special skill set to write a book, and you don’t have to be anyone special to do it,” Stone said. “If you have the drive and motivation, you have to just keep pushing yourself to write even when you don’t feel like it, because, in the end, you will be proud of what you’ve accomplished.” Courtesy of Lilly Stone
Fresh Face in Fiction
Gaby Coutts, Guest Reporter • May 23, 2024

Starting by picking up a journal...

Waterloo swim instructor, Emler swim instructor, and Camp Hope leader are just some of the jobs available for students over the summer. Junior Clara Rabago will be working as a small group leader at Camp Hope for two weeks over the summer where she will be taking care of the children there and participating in activities such as church services, games, art, and science. “I’m excited to have my own kids this year,” Rabago said. “I like seeing how a kid will come in and be super shy, but then they come out all being friends. They’re so happy and energetic and it’s just cool to see how much these kids grow within a week.”
Free At Last... Or Maybe Not
Kaydence Wilkinson, Reporter • May 23, 2024

A blaring wake-up alarm rings out...

Time to Scrub in

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A Summer of Passion and Excellence

Band Members March with Drum Corps Organization
Kacey Miller
Holding up the Timberwolf hand sign after performing Metal Shop at halftime, seniors Austin Waldbusser and Connor Daly pose with sophomore Andrew McCarthy.The three band members spent their summer with Dum Corps International, a non-profit that is known to be the highest level of marching band available. “One [of the reasons for joining] just watching [DCI Corps] shows and being kind of a band nerd about it in general was cool and being like ‘I want to do that’,” Daly said. “Then, one of the now alumni, went to march in the corp of The Phantom Regiment last year, and I was like well ‘I can do it, someone else I know can do it, may as well try it.’”

The lights of the stadium reflect off the metal of the instruments, bouncing back to their eyes as they move their fingers, feet or entire bodies in sync with one another. The feeling of sweat fills every crevice of the body, and a pinching feeling takes over their chest as they breathe heavily, trying to catch their breath, hoping to fill their lungs just enough to make the one note, that one hit, sound as loud, in tune and perfect as possible. Everything done in the performance is to be done at the highest level. It’s beyond the typical high-school-marching-band-in-Texas scene, it’s a way of life with the Corps.

Over the summer, seniors Austin Waldbusser and Connor Daly, along with sophomore Andrew McCarthy, participated in Drum Corps International, better known as DCI. DCI is a non-profit organization that is known to be the highest level of marching band available. Students who audition and are chosen to march with a DCI corp have the opportunity to tour around the country for three months in the summer, performing advanced and technical marching shows and competing against other corps. 

“[DCI] was both very cool and very scary,” Waldbusser said. “ I just kind of threw myself off the deep end, and was kind of like ‘I’ll just figure it out’. I’m glad I did it, getting that experience early on, especially as someone who wants to go into music and become an educator. I thought it was a really good experience for me.” 

Waldbusser was a contracted member with the Phantom Regiment, a World Class Corp based out of Rockford, Illinois. He became the youngest member in the mellophone section. DCI members not only have to adjust to an intense traveling and rehearsal schedule, but also the housing inconsistency. Most drum corp members find themselves sleeping in a high school gym, bus or occasionally a dorm room.

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“It was definitely a lot,” Waldbusser said. “There were challenges, especially so young. I learned a lot more skills, not just in marching, but life skills in general. Living on my own like that, I had to learn independence and be resilient because obviously there really was no one there to pick me up and keep me going, it was more on me.”

The audition process for DCI begins in the fall and can start as early as September and can end as late as April depending on the corp. Since few of the corps are based in Texas, many hold satellite camps around the state to scout talent from top-level marching bands. Audition materials depend on the corp, but many include audition tapes, an application, and attending the camp. Both Daly and McCarthy auditioned for Blue Knights, a World Class drum corp based in Denver, Colorado. To his surprise, Daly received a contract to march euphonium for the Blue Knights Corps over the summer, but McCarthy’s experience had a different ending. 

“I went to the Blue Knights [audition camp] with all my friends from Vista Ridge,” McCarthy said. “I got cut and I was devastated because everyone got a contract but me. Then, I went to the Guardians [audition camp] and they were basically like ‘here you go’ and handed me a contract. I was so excited.”

McCarthy was the youngest member in the Open Class Guardians Corp, marching mellophone. The average age of a DCI member is approximately 20 years old, and he said he learned a lot from the older members of the corp. 

“All the techs didn’t know I was that young until I told them,” McCarthy said. “One of the biggest things they taught me was to keep going and just forget about [mistakes]. They would say ‘will this matter tomorrow?’ like basically in the end does missing your [performance] dot really matter?”

With DCI occurring during the summer months, the 12 hour rehearsals presented challenges, according to Daly. Daly said the rehearsals taught him more about his peers than himself.

“It’s sort of a weird experience going from seeing the best in some people to two reps later they are just down in the dumps about to catch on fire,” Daly said. “That just kind of happens in the activity. It’s just a weird experience ricocheting from absolute worst in some people and absolute best in some people, and learning that people go through their own hurdles, you just kind of have to focus on your own and hope things don’t get too bad.”

Throughout the three months of the DCI tour, which include performances in stadiums such as the Rose Bowl and the Alamodome, the corps competed in smaller competitions around the country in preparation for the last shows of the tour, the DCI World Championship at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. Over the course of three days dedicated to prelims, semifinals and finals, a grand champion is declared amongst the 40 corps. Both Daly with the Blue Knights and Waldbusser with the Phantom Regiment qualified for Finals. 

“It was really cool,” Waldbusser said. “It was really surreal to play in that stadium in front of that crowd, and we won the FLO Marching fan favorite award, so it was very cool and very fun. Especially so young, I was very grateful to march with such a top group.”

Smiling on the field of Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana after the ranks broke for finals, seniors Austin Waldbusser and Connor Daly pose with Cedar Park alum Nick Dolusio. This was the first time Waldbusser had not been in the same band as Dolusio since he was in seventh grade. “I remember we had a corp meeting with our director and then as soon as we broke off, Connor and Nick were waiting for me to take a picture, which was really nice,” Waldbusser said. “It was weird seeing them in different bands. It was really weird seeing [Dolusio] in a different band. But I was so happy for him, it was cool seeing him in that retreat.” Photo courtesy of Connor Daly

Despite not qualifying for finals, McCarthy had the opportunity to participate in a Guardians tradition of staying at Thatcher Park in Indianapolis.

“[Thatcher Park] is a YMCA, but it has a big grass field, so [Guradians] has been there for like five years,” McCarthy said. “You could really feel how special it was, some of the veterans could feel it too, like people from 2018 were sleeping the same spot as me and now I’m doing the same thing.” 

After Finals, DCI season finished and all three boys returned to Cedar Park in early August, the height of high school summer band. Daly said although there was some adjustment because the band uses a different technique than the corps, participating in DCI helped him get through summer band. 

“Getting used to band culture here again was an adjustment,” Daly said. “Especially because I had to learn the entire show in basically two days. [But] I was doing some basics across the field while everyone was rehearsing the show, and [a marching tech] came up to me and was like ‘honestly you have really good marching technique for not marching this for like three months.’ It looked like I was doing the entirety of the summer band at peak when I had really just got back.” 

McCarthy, who is a transfer from Vista Ridge, said his decision to do DCI over the summer helped him adjust to Cedar Park and feel more comfortable when marching band season started. 

“The only people I knew were Connor, Austin and Harris [Garner] from DCI,” McCarthy said. “The first thing I thought when I found out I was going to transfer was ‘what if they don’t like me?’ but going to Guardians I realized people are going to really hate you but, it’s okay. There will still be people that will tolerate you.” 

Waldbusser has a large leadership role in the band, even though he doesn’t carry an official title. He said being surrounded by good leaders, and having to feel the freshman feeling of being the new person and feeling like a deer in the headlights again, helped him learn a lot. 

“I noticed a lot of the leaders [with Phantoms] were always down to talk to members one on one as a genuine person to person conversations outside of just leadership,” Waldbusser said. “Our Drum major won the leadership award for DCI so she was a big influence on how to treat people with respect and talk to people as well outside of the marching field. I was also a little more understanding of [freshmen’s] situation kind of. [Feeling like a freshman in DCI] helped me connect with them a little bit more.” 

Waldbusser said the band community’s support helped him through the times when it became hard mentally and physically, and he is very thankful for the support. 

“The community here definitely helped,” Waldbusser said. “I was very grateful to have friends supporting me throughout the summer, and my parents had a bunch of my friends over for the premiere of the show and had a watch party, so that was very nice. I am very grateful for the band directors here and the band culture they have set.”

The band is currently working on their state UIL show titled “Belle Mecanique.” State competition for band starts in October and culminates at the Championship in November in San Antonio, if they advance. Both Daly and Waldbusser said they hope they can bring back the care and work ethic the members in DCI corps hold for those shows to the band for this year’s show as a way to help them through marching season. 

“The younger members and the rookies in Blue Knights, once they get settled in the DCI life really start to give the show a sort punch and energy that can sometimes be lost in high school shows where people straight up don’t care about a specific chunk of the show,” Daly said. “It sort of sounded like that until the season went on until finals where it feels like every part of the show was special in its own way. I definitely want to try to get some of the younger members, really all members, to really feel that kind of investment and put that work into our show.”

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About the Contributors
Alyssa Fox
Alyssa Fox, Reporter
Alyssa is a junior and a first year reporter. Along with being a staff member for The Wolfpack, she is a Content Editor for the Tracks Yearbook and a member of the UIL Journalism team. She loves writing about her classmates and peers, as well as exciting things happening around the school. When she’s not doing homework, you can usually find her at one of the sporting events happening at school or watching a hockey game. Her favorite band is 5 Seconds of Summer and she loves Raising Canes chicken tenders. She also enjoys binge-watching early 2000s teen drama shows, superhero movies and taking weekly visits to Barnes and Noble. Alyssa hopes to attend a college up north and study journalism, with aspirations of becoming a sports reporter in either the NFL or the NHL.
Kacey Miller
Kacey Miller, Editor-in-Chief
Kacey is a junior and third year reporter. She loves learning about her fellow students and writing about their stories. In addition to being a staff member for The Wolfpack, she is a UIL journalism competitor, the Cedar Park FFA Vice President and has a show lamb named Winnie. If she’s not at the barn or practicing for her FFA contests, she’s probably doing homework. You can find her at every football game, either in the stands or on the sidelines taking pictures. Some of her favorite memories are from reading the Bible with her little sisters. She plans to attend college somewhere cold, but also doesn’t want to be too far away from her family. Her favorite animal is a bear and sometimes she wishes she could hibernate like one.

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    Heidi WilliamsSep 13, 2023 at 10:18 am