Bags Full Of Bags
Student Participation For The Greater Good
Timberwolves For The Environment club members work on creating mats, bags, and even pillows out of plastic bags. These products will be sold for the clubs benefit and they will also be donated to the homeless. “I really love being a part of something where I can spend time doing things that help others,” sophomore and club member Alexa Yeager said.
November 11, 2019
With donations pouring in, Timberwolves for The Environment decided to take charge and reuse plastic bags for a better cause.
Science teacher and Timberwolves For The Environment sponsor, Shannon Mcpherson, originally took over this project when a neighbor could no longer participate. Now, the club members work together to create mats, pillows, bags and even wreaths that will either be sold to benefit the club or directly donated to the homeless. Since the club took over, they are still looking for a specific organization to take their donations.
“I’m not one-hundred percent sure who’s gonna get them [organization donating through] because my last contact is not there anymore,” Mcpherson said. “But it’s real easy to find somebody.”
All products are made out of plastic bags, like the ones in any store check out line. As of now, there is no end date for this project, and it has been going on for about a year as more and more donations keep pouring in. For example, Spanish teacher Rebecca Zabel-brewer just donated multiple trash bags full of bags in order to make more products.
“We delivered eight or nine[mats] last year,” Mcpherson said. “Ms. Cyndee Burkett also did one.”
For the homeless, the club focuses on creating comfortable pillows and mats out of the bags, but with the holidays approaching, focuses have shifted towards making wreaths and bags. Students are also going to start experimenting with painting the wreaths that will be sold.
“Since Christmas is coming up and we’re about to put something on the web store to sell these[bags and wreaths], I’ve been kinda concentrating on making these instead of the mats,” Mcpherson said.
Products being posted online will cost anywhere from eight to ten dollars and proceeds will go back to The Timberwolves For The Environment. These proceeds will be used to support future projects such as, when the club adopts a pack of wolves and the money will help benefit the next adoption, as well as going back to fix the garden in the courtyard, which is in collaboration with FFA (Future Farmers of America).
“Every year we adopt a Wolfpack, which lives in Missouri, an endangered one,” Mcpherson said. “It helps to increase the species.”
Anyone who would like to be involved and help can join the members of Timberwolves For The Environment any Monday after school in room 4009. Students can also donate bags to the club for this cause.
“I hope that we’re able to make a difference in the lives of people these mats go to,” sophomore and club member Reese Barucky said. “While reducing the amount of plastic bags that are going straight to landfills.”
Wreaths and handbags are currently on sale online for $8. Visit the school webstore to purchase.