Every year a company called “ShurTech” holds a scholarship competition, though this competition doesn’t involve essays or resumes like you would usually expect. It involves using duct tape, lots of duct tape. The official competition is essentially a fashion show. You and your prom date make a tuxedo and a dress entirely out of duct tape from ShurTechs “Duck Brand Duct Tape” line, which includes many colors and patterns, you then take a picture modeling your new creations with your prom date. This picture gets uploaded to the website listed below, and judged by their panel of judges. Thousands compete in this wacky competition every year. However they’re not doing it for fun; there are all kinds of prizes and scholarships on the line.
Winners acquire $5,000 each, second place winners get $3,000 each, and the third place winners earn $2,000. If you’re worried that too many people will be doing this, it’s judged state by state, so you can win first in a particular state and still win the cash. The entry deadline is June 13, so there is still plenty of time to enter. Thanks to CPHS’s late-May prom, couples won’t even have to wear their creations out and about, though the experience can prove fun as some CP alumni have found. Several students from CPHS have entered this competition before, creating extravagant matching duct tape outfits. Though none have won yet, it is a great chance to earn some extra cash for college. You can find all information on the competition at duckbrand.com/home/promotions/stuck-at-prom.