Meet and Greet: New Head Coaches

Emilee Guernsey, Editor

CPHS received 6 new head coaches this year, and here are some interesting facts that students may not know about them, and may be surprised to see.

Carl Abseck


Coach Abseck is by no means new- he has been working at CPHS for the past ten years- he is just in a new position. Abseck is now the head football coach and athletic coordinator for CP.

Q: What extracurricular activities were you involved in during your high school years?
A: I was in football, baseball, FFA and FCA.

Q: What do you like about being the new head coach of football and athletic coordinator?
A: I get the opportunity to interact with all of the coaches, and I get to talk to everyone.

Q: If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
A: I would be a horse because they are a fast, beautiful animal.


Michael Bardgett (aka Coach Jett to most)


Coach Jett is the head coach for Cross Country and girl’s Track. He also teaches AP World History.

Q:What college did you attend?
A: For my undergraduate I attended Austin College. For my graduate I went to The George Washington University.

Q: Why do you like coaching cross country?
A: Running is fun, it leads to a healthy life, and cross country is a lifetime sport.

Q: If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
A: I would be a giraffe because they have the best views.


Kris Gawriluk (easier to call him Coach G)


Coach G is the head coach of the boys baseball team and teaches US History.

Q: What do you like so far about CP?
A: All the kids want to strive to better. They want to be pushed.

Q: Are you an Android or an iPhone person?
A: I’m definitely an Android person. I can’t stand iPhones because you can’t download anything unless it’s an Apple product.

Q: What is your most memorable moment with a student?
A: I had two different students two years ago that were from two completely different backgrounds, and I helped both of them in different ways, and one day I got emails from them, both thanking me. It was nice to know that I helped them to be where they are now.


Nicholas Asmus (pronounced like Azmis)


Coach Asmus teaches World Geography and coaches Wrestling.

Q: Why do you like teaching World Geography?
A: I love traveling and being able to see the world. I’m able to talk about all the different places of the world, which is really interesting.

Q: What is your favorite movie of all time?

Q: What is your “must have” item for teaching?
A: A computer and snacks.


Dean Lackey


Coach Lackey teaches Pre-AP and regular Geometry, and is the head coach for swimming.

Q: What college did you attend?
A: Lamar University in Beaumont.

Q: What extracurricular activities were you involved in during your high school years?
A: I sang, participating in choir and our vocal pops group of 12. I also sang my class song, solo, at graduation.

Q: What do you like so far about CPHS?
A: The commute and the leadership here.


Brian Pollard


Coach Pollard is the new head coach for boy’s soccer and he teaches World History.

Q: What is your most memorable moment with a student or class?
A: For an entire semester I had a class believe my wife was a truck driver and that we put my daughter on round trip Greyhound buses for daycare.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Tinkerbell Lost Treasure. My girls love it, and we watch it often.

Q: What is your “must have” item for teaching?
A: White boards and dry erase markers.