New coach swims to CPHS
Senior Caroline Kessler, Coach Meghan DeWees and Mason Luna-Howell talk strategy during a tri-meet against Leander and Stony Point on Oct. 4. The team won the meet with a total point score of 302. “The best part of the meet was being able to cheer everyone else on,” sophomore Marian Bouchot said.
October 10, 2014
Splash, swim, rotate, repeat. Then Meghan DeWees’ whistle blows loud to define the end of practice.
DeWees is the new head swim coach this year. She’s always been into swimming and has coached at other schools prior to CPHS.
“I was coming from a really great school,” DeWees said. “My concerns have subsided because at this point I am confident that my decision to come to CPHS was the right one.”
DeWees chose to move here because CPHS has a very good reputation. She will be able to work with the team in a mutually beneficial way.
“I am excited to work with athletes that compete on a higher level,” DeWees said.
Swimming has always been a part of DeWees life. She has coached in many capacities.
“I coached a summer league team for two years in college,” DeWees said. “I began coaching full time in 2009. Since that time, I have coached club, masters and high school swimming.”
DeWees hasn’t made any sweeping changes as the new coach.
“I have just done things in my style, without re-inventing the wheel unnecessarily,” DeWees said. “If there are stark changes, the swimmers have taken to them very amicably because I haven’t heard anything yet.”
The swim team won a tri-meet with Leander and Stony Point on Oct. 4. With a total score of 302, the team placed first in 15 events, second in 12 events and third in 6 events.