Stand out student assumes title of sophomore of the year
Hannah Loera was awarded the 2015-2016 title of sophomore of the year. When she heard of the scholarship opportunity, Loera thought it would be a great way to earn some extra funds for college and practice applying for scholarships in general. “I was actually surprised how easy the application process was,” Loera said in regards to the application process.
January 8, 2016
Sophomore year: the routines of high school have become second nature, you know the west wing from the east wing, and you’ve begun the second chapter of your high school years. With the prospects of a new year ahead of them, the sophomores of the school dived into their second year of high school. One sophomore in particular has been taking the opportunities presented to her to their fullest extent. Interest sparked by an announcement on the Wolfcast, Hannah Loera applied to the sophomore of the year scholarship. After completing a simple four part application detailing her organization involvement, leadership experience, volunteer experience and drive to learn, Loera was awarded a scholarship and the title of sophomore of the year. A highlight of Loera’s application was her foundation of a gender equality club here on campus.
“I was really grateful for the opportunity, and I think it helped set me apart from other candidates,” Loera said. “I have also been blessed with many leadership opportunities in middle school and high school that have helped me grow and learn a lot about influencing others.”
In addition to the foundation of a club, Loera’s constant volunteer work with Miracle League over the past four years made her stand out in the application process.
“Every spring and fall, I get to help mentally and physically disabled children play baseball. I think my experience and commitment to volunteering helped put me on top,” Loera said. “It’s rather funny to me because I fell in love with Miracle League when I was twelve years old, and it has already given so much to me. I never imagined it would help me in so many different ways.”
To add to the already impressive list, Loera took studio dance lessons for ten years and is currently the assistant dance teacher for the emeralds drill team here at school. Loera also participates in choir and has been an officer for the past two years.
“I just like to sing and dance whenever I have an opportunity, so I’m thankful for so many chances to share my passions,” Loera said. “Dance provides such an escape from everyday life, and the best part is anyone has the ability if they hold the passion. Choir is also wonderful because I think sharing music with the world is such a unique gift.”
Academically, Loera’s approach takes on the beast of our school’s competitiveness without letting it overwhelm her.
“I try to really focus on being my personal best,” Loera said. “This school has such strong academics and it is very easy to get lost in the competition. For some people that’s a really strong motivator, but I try to avoid comparing myself to others whenever I can. I have a motto, love what you do and do it well. At the end of the day, if I’m still taking pride in my work, then I’m happy with what I achieve.”
Aligning with her sophomore of the year title, Loera has several plans for the rest of her high school days to ensure the continuation of her outstanding extracurricular involvement and volunteer work. Loera plans to become a PAL her junior and senior year, be inducted into National Honor Society, hold positions on student council and become the eventual president of choir. Additionally, she wants to continue promoting her club and it’s success.
“My hope is to get my club well known and supported so that I can leave a lasting legacy on CPHS,” Loera said.
Approaching the conclusion of her halfway point of high school, Loera’s multifaceted involvements and plans to continue and grow those involvements make her a standout student. With such a list of involvements behind her, Loera hopes to attend UT Austin after high school to major in psychology. After UT, she plans to attend law school and on pursuing a career in law to start the eventual path to become a judge.
“My biggest dream is to one day serve on the Supreme Court and help influence the world for the better,” Loera said.
Loera’s standout qualities and strong self motivation mark her as a force to be reckoned with. From sophomore of the year to supreme court justice, Hannah Loera has plans to keep her very busy in the years ahead of her.