STEAM Rolling into the Future of Education
SNHS Volunteers, Promotes STEAM to Younger Generation
Playing with the Deer Creek Elementary kids, SNHS members volunteer to teach kids STEAM concepts through various booths on Feb. 7.
March 11, 2019
Science, technology, engineering, art and math are now known by the acronym STEAM. While the concept of STEM is more commonly known, the integration of the “A” for art has become a prominent field of interest, such as at STEAM Night hosted by Deer Creek Elementary School PTA. On Feb. 7, elementary kids had the chance to explore different fields of STEAM through various stations and activities set up by members of Science National Honor Society.
Members of Health Occupations Students of America also came to help by setting up their own booths revolving around teaching children the basics of hygiene. Working at a health science station called The Germ Table, junior Jackie Castillo said that they had a goal of helping kids understand the importance of always washing their hands. After putting “germ powder” on the kids’ hands and letting them rub them together, they put their hands under a fluorescent light of a black light box and everything seen on the hands represented germs. Castillo said they were then directed to wash their hands and check for germs under the light again.
“The point of it is to see how well they can wash their hands and basically teach the kids the correct way to wash their hands, because it is really important to do so health-wise,” Castillo said. “80% of diseases are spread through touch and it is really important for kids to learn this at a young age.”
In general, Castillo said she thinks it is important for kids to be introduced to new things through stations like this to help them understand where their interests are.
“They can learn what they are interested in and it will help them in their future with careers or what classes they want to take in middle school or high school,” Castillo said. “I think it is very important to learn this beforehand so that they are more prepared for their future.”
President of SNHS, senior Chloe Heitmeier, said that she has always had a great passion for science, and that bringing STEAM to the younger generation can benefit everyone in the future.
“Giving the kids the exposure early and getting them interested in topics that they will learn about later will help them advance in society and create technology, because it is really the minds of the young people that bring new thoughts and ideas,” Heitmeier said. “My favorite station was the bubble station because the way the kids lit up when they got to be in a huge bubble. It really made me glad because even something so simple as that can get them interested in STEAM.”
Junior Makya Jordan worked at a marble roller coaster booth to help kids explore the different ways to build a roller coaster and said that she enjoyed seeing young people play around and experiment with different ideas.
“I think encouraging learning at any point in time is so important because we all need to have the awareness and impression that with learning, mistakes can be made,” Jordan said. “It is important to get help, interact and inspire with others to reach our full potential.”
Aside from learning about health, physics and the formation of bubbles, junior Abigail Garner taught kids how to make pom-pom shooters, which are a mechanical way for pom-poms to be shot through a plastic cup like a catapult. She said that while she isn’t a STEAM student, she loves helping out kids and getting them interested in new things.
“I am not a STEAM student but I just love helping kids so much, and for me, it brings so much joy just to see them have so much fun,” Garner said. “I hope that they learn and possibly reach out and grow their creativity and make the best out of their mistakes. Even if they don’t go into a STEAM career, they can still apply these concepts in their future, no matter the job they go into.”