Imagine you’re at a football game, on the field, the turf under your shoes, the crowd roaring behind you, the musty odor of determination lingering in the air.
Imagine you’re on TV, one thousand plus people watching you narrate the game.
Imagine this was you’re job.
Imagine you got to do this every weekend.
Countless people would give an arm and a leg to get sideline tickets to a football game or a pound of flesh to be on TV.
Well, ladies and gentleman, such a lucky man exists. Senior David Looney goes to every game he can in order to bring us the highlights and the achievements of our players.
“It’s the best lens to see the school through,” Looney said.
It all started one rainy day at a cross country meet his freshman year when Looney looked up into the press box and thought to himself “I bet it’s really comfy in there.” He had been interested in journalism for quite some time and decided to join broadcast.
“It’s where the energy is, everything is in your face.” Looney said.
David doesn’t do it for the fame or the free passes to games; he does it for the little guys, the sports that deserve recognition, but don’t always get it. When cross country gets first at a meet, David will be there. When volleyball spikes the ball past the blockers, David will be there. When baseball makes the first triple play of the season, David will be there. When Ultimate Frisbee makes the winning catch in the closing seconds, David will be there.
Those few, very rare occasions when David isn’t at a CP sporting event, he is most likely out flying planes. As an unexpected twist, David wants a career in the Air Force as a pilot, and plans to completely leave journalism behind.
Cedar Park will all be sad to see him go at the end of the year, and will miss seeing him do the sports report every day. He is definitely a legend whose name will be heard in the hallways of for many years to come.