Talk About Technotrash
With Battery Trashcans, DIY Grocery Bags, Club Addresses Environmental Issues
By cutting and gluing cardboard, and painting them green, students help make battery trash cans on April 3, 2018 in EIT.
February 7, 2019
From serving as a health hazard to contaminating the environment, there are many ways that technology can negatively impact the world if disposed of incorrectly. Environmental Issues with Technology (EIT) was initiated last year by senior officers Justin Nita, Adri Karmakar and Grant Lee in hopes of educating people on the growing issues of technology, as well as encourage others to help make a positive impact on the environment through projects.
Karmakar’s interest in forming the club began while reading an article about the hazardous impact technology has made on the oceans.
“EIT is something I’ve always wanted to start,” Karmakar said. “ A few years ago, I read an article about how technology is harmful to our environment if it isn’t used and disposed of correctly. The article mentioned the severe water pollution this can cause, and I wanted to raise awareness in my school about things like this and try to have an impact in the community by doing recycling projects.”

One of EIT’s prominent service projects in 2018 was the EIT Battery Trash Can Project, where members and volunteers of EIT created trash cans in an assembly line style starting from cutting the cardboard, gluing the boxes and painting them green to tribute a green environment. These trash cans were distributed throughout the school, primarily to the math and science teachers, and served as a way to dispose of batteries effectively.
“The Battery Trash Can Project was very successful,” Nita said. “We made more than 20 boxes and all of them are in use. When we went around the school to collect batteries, we had two bags full of used ones.”
After the batteries are collected, EIT officers ensure that they are disposed of or recycled safely by giving them to companies like Batteries Plus Bulbs. More recently, EIT members worked on a project to reduce plastic bag usage while shopping.
“We made shopping bags with old clothes so that we didn’t have to use plastic bags when we shop,” Karmakar said. “All the bags we made were made with clothes at home.”
Senior Matt Freeman has been a part of EIT since its first meeting back in 2017, and said that he likes being able to discuss and come up with plans to help the technological environment.
“My favorite thing I’ve done in the club is create the battery trash cans so CP has a safe place to dispose of batteries,” Freeman said. “People should join because we discuss real issues with technology in the environment. I think they would like to be able to help around the community with projects we’ve done as well.”

Similarly, senior Mackenzie Martinez said that she loved the battery trash can project, but she especially enjoys the connections she has made in the club. Martinez said that the club is able to have fun while making a positive impact on the environment.
“The thing I like most about EIT is all of the amazing people in the club,” Martinez said. “They make meetings so much fun and we still get a lot done to help the environment. People should join EIT because it is a really fun club with awesome people who have genuine fun impacting the environment positively through technology. Real environmental issues are addressed in the club, and it gives you the opportunity to help where you can.”
In terms of this year, Nita said EIT plans to create birdhouses around the school to attract more wildlife.
EIT meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 4-4:30 p.m. in Lab 5. Students can stay updated with their club projects and meetings by signing up for their Remind 101 by texting @eitcl to 81010.