DEN Schedule Change to Follow CTE Requirements
To learn more information on the DEN changes, view the libraries site to see a powerpoint.
January 4, 2017
As the second semester begins, the students in the hallways have begun to murmur about the new DEN schedule and the changes being made. An entire new school calendar is being released, and every day students’ home DENs will be different.
The reason for these changes is because of a conflict with the amount of time spent in CTE, Career Technology Education, classes. If CP does not meet the state’s requirements, they could lose funding for any CTE classes we offer.
“With our current schedule, we do not meet the number of required minutes,” librarian Debby Barnes said. “Instead of extending the school day, we are modifying DEN so we meet the state CTE requirement while not losing our personalized DEN time.”
Students will still be able to switch into different DEN tutorials when needed, but if a students does not use the DEN portal to switch, they will have to go to the home DEN that corresponds with the calendar and that student’s schedule.
“The calendar just lets students know where they must go if they do not use the portal to schedule themselves elsewhere,” Barnes said.
To see more information on the DEN changes go to Barnes’s website and view the DEN slideshow:
Students can also join the Remind101 group to help them remember what home DEN to go to on a given day. Text “@dk29gg” to 81010 to sign up.