I’ve experienced many difficulties in my life, from moving from my home country Venezuela, to losing pets, family members and other things that were important to me. I feel like in our school, and pretty much everywhere in the world, there are people who are going through some unimaginable things, deep and buried emotions that they don’t talk about, and for the longest time I repressed my emotions and my mental health worsened. So I’m going to give some advice from not only my own experience, but also from the view of Sarah Cable, lead counselor, who has provided me with information on how to deal with personal issues in the right way.
I remember earlier this year we had to put my dog down because he was really sick and taking care of him would have only put him in more pain. It was probably the first time I experienced true loss. I had lost my grandpa a couple years ago, but I never knew him too well, so it didn’t hit me as hard as it did losing my pet of nine years. After he died, the house felt a lot quieter without him, I no longer heard a bark or the sound of his collar, it was horribly quiet.
What helped me get over my pet was not remembering the bad times where he was in pain or really sad, it was remembering the good times when we were swimming in the pool together or wrestling a bedsheet with him and I was having a blast. It also helped to distract myself with my hobbies, and also to start making new friends, which also helped a lot. My parents were also very supportive about the death of my dog by letting me take mental health days and letting me vent to them to help me grieve. For a long time, it will feel bad and it’s going to hurt for several months, but eventually you will look back fondly at the memories. You’re never gonna live like you did when they didn’t exist, you’ll just get used to life without them.
I feel like it’s really important to have a strong relationship with your parents. I am aware that not everyone who is currently reading this has the best relationship with their parents, but it’s always important to be able to talk to someone you can trust. Talking to my friends and venting to them about my problems has always been really helpful to me, but you also need to be careful with who you trust with your personal life.
I used to talk to some friends who I didn’t know very well about problems I would have with people. If you don’t know the person or people you’re talking to very well, I would advise against venting to them because they might tell the person whom you’re venting about whatever it is that you said, and it will make the problem a lot worse. Vent to a close friend who you have trusted in the past, not some stranger who has connections with the person you’re venting about.
I am also aware that some of you reading this might not have many friends, that is okay. I was really lonely my freshman year of high school and it took some time to make friends. If you find yourself in this position, there are still many ways you can find help about whatever issue you may have. Go to your favorite teacher’s classroom and talk to them about what is bothering you, most of the time they are trained for this so they are good to talk to. Counselors are also an incredible resource for students. I have personally never talked to a counselor about any of my problems, but I wouldn’t advise against doing so.
Cable and the other counselors do their best to support the students the best they can, and are more often than not available to guide students through whatever they’re going through.
“If I’m aware of the student then I call them in and check in with them frequently and ask them what they’re needing help with and what they’re struggling with,” Cable said. “And let them know that it’s a safe place down here if they don’t feel capable of staying in class and if they need to step out.”
According to Cable, the counselors get to step in the grey zone and are able to help students in deeper levels.
“The counselors are the student advocates,” Cable said. “Oftentimes, we know the bigger picture and advocate for our students, don’t be afraid to come talk to us and ask us questions.”
The counselors are available pretty much any time in the day, from DEN to passing period and before or after school.
“We usually try to stay here so we’re available to students,” Cable said. “During class, we would prefer for the students to check in with their teachers first, and then come down here so they’re not counted absent.”
While I was writing this piece, I debated on what parts of my life I should talk about, I debated going in depth a bit about the things life is currently throwing at me. But, I also realized that this story is not about me, it’s about you. My experience with the death of my dog is enough of an introduction to begin to talk about grief. I wrote this story specifically to help students who aren’t aware of ways to get help. It pains me to see my friends suffer from personal things that I would have never imagined them to live,, and I feel like the counselors are doing a great job at helping the students the best they can. Life might seem really hard right now and I don’t specifically know what it is you are going through, but just know that life is a bit like a rollercoaster. It goes up, and it goes down. Sometimes it gets too close to the ground, while other times you can almost see your house in the distance. Things can and will get better. No matter what you did, or what others have done to you. Life gets better.
Important resources that can help you: