There’s No Place Like Homecoming

Ideas, Tips on Homecoming Week Dress Up Days

Kaley Johnson, Reporter

Homecoming week starts Monday, Sept. 24 and as many students make plans for the football game and dance, others prepare for a week of fun filled clothes and costumes for this year’s theme, “The Wizard of Oz.”

“I’ve been looking for a long time for a good theme for the year,” junior class Vice President, Carlie Dill said. “I came across the idea and modified it to fit with our school. I knew the colors would go well and I loved the colorful aspect of it so I knew it could all tie well together.”

Each day falls to a different aspect of the beloved movie:

  • Monday: Midwest Monday (dress western)
  • Tuesday: Twister Tuesday (wear clothes inside out, backwards, and in any other wacky way)
  • Wednesday: Which Witch is Which (twin/triplet day)
  • Thursday: Lions, Tigers, and Bears (dress like an animal)
  • Friday: Green and Bling (green out, mums, school pride)

Tips and Suggestions

While most of the days are pretty self explanatory, it seems like Monday and Thursday are going to require some thought.

The best way to start is with what you have. Check around your house for possible items or inspiration. Maybe your dad has some old, tacky cowboy boots or maybe your mom has a brightly colored scarf. This is the best way to go about it if you don’t have the time or don’t want to spend the money. Senior Tessa Balderrama said that she always goes to her parents closet for school dress up days.

“They have a lot of clothes that I can work into the theme instead of going out to buy something and wasting money on things that they already have,” Balderrama said. “It’s also fun to go back though the memories of my parents and go back through the clothes that they wore.”

Another good way to save time and money is to check out Goodwill. They have a lot used clothes and accessories for not much money. A cowboy hat from a retail store would be about 10 dollars but a used one from Goodwill could be anywhere from three to eight. You can even try to negotiate with the cashiers if you feel the price is unfair. Much like finding things from home, it would take a lot of creativity considering they rarely have doubles of anything. Sophomore Olivia Banks said that she has been a regular Goodwill customer for a while now.

“I love Goodwill because of the convenient low prices and they always seem to have clothing for whatever occasion I have,” Banks said. “It is also exciting to look through everything because you never know what you’ll find.”

Out of all the options, the easiest may be going to party city. With Halloween a little over a month away party stores are starting to get in costumes and accessories and with it being this early you will have free reign of what you want. They also have everything. Say you wanted to dress like a lion. You could wear all orange and just buy some face paint and spray on hair dye, or you could buy a full lion costume. It’s your choice.

“I buy all of my Halloween costumes there,” sophomore Shelby Holmes said. “They have everything from Halloween to birthday parties. You can get it all.”

Friday’s football game will be the finale as we go up against Rouse in our green out Homecoming game. Students can start buying the green out shirt in the cafeteria during lunch. Students will also be wearing mums and seniors may have decorated overalls.

“I think it’s important to go to the game and the homecoming dance as an upperclassman to show school spirit,” junior Sydney Hunt said. “I think it’s also important because it shows the upperclassman how they can involve themselves with the school and show their Cedar Park pride.”