2021 Senior Superlative Winners
May 26, 2021
Best Dressed Male
Josh Bretz
“Didn’t really try and win it, but I guess it’s nice to know my classmates think I have good style.”

Best Dressed Female
Blake Walker
“It’s pretty cool being able to be noticed for something I love to express like my fashion sense. I enjoy inspiring others in this aspect so hearing that my peers chose me feels good. “

Most Talented Male
Aidan Brown
“Thanks guys, this is cool!”

Most Talented Female & Most Athletic Female
Alisa Knight
“Winning these awards feels great because it lets me know my peers encourage my hard work and talents.”

Best Hair Male
Caden Teliha
“This award means so much to me! My hair has gone through many stages throughout my middle and high school life, and I’m so glad people have enjoyed my rather wild hair journey as much as I have. Though some waiters and waitresses still sometimes refer to me as ‘ma’am,’ as a result of my longer hair, I’m still so grateful that the effort I’ve put into maintaining my long(ish) locks has gotten me to this award! Thank you so much!”

Best Smile Male
Logan Shaw
“Winning this award means a lot to me knowing that people enjoy making me smile.”

Best Smile Female
Savanna Laughlin
“I feel honored, lol. It really put a smile on my face.”

Most Involved Male
Kuba Bard
“I’m glad to be recognized by my peers for my involvement in various club such as acting as Secretary of NTHS and SNHS and being the President of the NEHS.”

Most Involved Female
Kate Schulle
“I wasn’t expecting this! Thanks to everyone who has supported me and shoutout to everyone I’ve met through the many organizations I’m in. Y’all are what make CPHS great! GO WOLVES!!”

Biggest Goofball Female
Carly Dornak
“It means I have the ability to make someone laugh in hopes of brightening their day.”

Class Brainiac Male
Chris Kim
“I am honored to be nominated among candidates much smarter than I am!”

Class Brainiac Female
Stella Shipps
“I’m glad that my hard work in the classroom throughout high school allowed me to make a mark in the class of 2021.”

Most School Spirit Male
Grant Passi
“Pretty cool loved leading the student section and putting together a fun time at the games.”

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day Male
Davis Perron
“It means a lot. I’ve always enjoyed making people’s days a little brighter and it’s always nice to hear people enjoy being around me. And now I’ll have some tangible evidence that I was a friendly person in high school.”

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day Female
Erica Shepherd
“I’m glad to know I help people have a little more happiness in their day. You really never know what someone is going though in life, so it’s good to always be nice to everyone. All it takes is a little smile or even just saying hey in the hallway it goes a long way, don’t get me wrong not everyone going to be nice to you but hey haters going to hate. But be yourself and confident.”

Most Athletic Male
Josh Cameron
“It’s great to be nominated by my fellow classmates and I am very thankful. #GoWolves”

Cutest Couple
Breland Mungia & Josh Bretz
“I think it is sweet of our class to nominate us as cutest couple, and I’m honored and happy with this nomination!” -Breland Mungia

Best Hair Female
Jordan Hill
Biggest Goofball Male
Henry Etlinger
Most School Spirit Female
Paige Skipper
Top Senior Squad
Chris Kim, Chris Lee, Saketh Palagummi, John Nita, Connor Chen, Brian Yi, Conner Smith, Brody Bush, Alex Flores and Connor Wagner.