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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

Estefani Rios

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief

Estefani or Stef is a senior and third-year reporter. This year marks her second year as Editor-In-Chief and she is very excited to continue producing articles the community is interested in. In addition to being a staff member of The Wolfpack, she is also part of the yearbook staff. She enjoys learning and writing about peoples' stories and passions. Estefani hopes to attend UT next fall to major in Social Work. Some facts about her include; her love for tea (the beverage not drama), socks, funky earrings and artists Ashe and Harry Styles. She is still prone to tripping over her own feet, losing socks and laughing at bad puns. 

All content by Estefani Rios

2021 Senior Superlative Winners

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
May 26, 2021
After running the 3200m event with a time of 10:26.49 at the track State Competition on May 7, freshman Isabel Conde De Frankenberg shows off her first medal of the day. Conde De Frankenberg also earned silver for her time of 2:09.21 in the 800m event. “It felt amazing to earn a gold medal at state,” Conde de Frankenberg said. “It was very exciting to know that my training over the season paid off. This state competition was very memorable to me because it was my first [state] competition, so it was just really exciting being able to go out there as a freshman and accomplishing what I did.”

One Track Mind

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
May 19, 2021
In her cheer uniform, senior Kaitlyn Armstrong poses for her senior pictures. According to Armstrong, to be a true cheerleader one must have the passion and willingness to adjust.  “To me, it’s essential to be dedicated, self-motivated and flexible to be a cheerleader,” Armstrong said. “Of course, skills are important, however, since our schedule sometimes is based around other sports, our schedules can change easily, thus flexibility."

Loud and Proud

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
May 14, 2021
Smiling at the camera, senior Breland Mungia shows off her University of Mary Hardin-Baylor soccer shirt.  When collegiate offers began rolling in during the fall of her junior year, although Mungia was excited, she knew she wanted to stay in Texas to continue her education. The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor became the perfect choice and she officially committed to play soccer. 
“I am very much a homebody and being on that campus made me feel comfortable and at home,” Mungia said. “The quality of their athletic facilities was also very appealing and everyone I met on campus was so welcoming."

All About the Kicks

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
May 3, 2021
Paying attention to the computer screen, sophomore Gautham Saravanan and senior Charlie Alpert prepare for the UIL academic district meet. Saravanan, Alpert and sophomores Alex Thummalapalli and Eshan Bharadwaj  placed first as a team at the meet and will compete at the regional competition later this month.  "I'm pretty proud," Saravanan said. "[I like] that I can be with my friends, collaborate with them and go over questions."

Soaring to Excellence

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
April 8, 2021
When the new assistant principal position became available after the departure of former AP Mitizi Powell, AP Allen Stewart jumped at the opportunity. For Stewart, getting the position meant he accomplished his dream of becoming an AP in LISD. “I sought out this school district on purpose because I did my research, and in my opinion and my research basically led me to view LISD as the number one school district to be in for an educator for someone in this profession like myself,” Stewart said. “What I’m looking forward to most is just continuing the positive spirit at the school, the positive culture at the school and building on that."

A New AP on the Block

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
March 8, 2021
Preparing to hit the incoming ball, sophomore Mary Lawler looks forward on Feb. 6. As Lawler prepares for another season, she said she hopes the team is able to play their whole season with minimal interruptions. "I'm looking most forward to the games this season since last year's were canceled by [COVID-19]," Lawler said. "I like the individuality of the sport and how I can put my focus into one position."

In the Swing of Things

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
February 11, 2021
Expanding the senior-exclusive program, COOL Week, COOL Experiences combines both virtual and hands-on career exploration. Transition Coordinator Chriss Hexter said that both upperclassmen and underclassmen can find benefits in the program, especially with the ability to attend multiple COOL Experience offerings. 
"A unique opportunity this year that hasn’t been offered to kiddos in the past, aside from the grade levels that it’s open to other than grade 12, is that they can participate in more than one," Hexter said. "I totally think kids should, if and when, there are opportunities to participate or attend more than one, that they should participate in more than one."

A COOL Revamp

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
February 5, 2021
Released on Jan. 15, Zayn Malik's new album meet all expectations and exceeds them.

“Nobody is Listening”

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
February 1, 2021
The Yerd Life

The Yerd Life

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
January 19, 2021
As her daughter, Aven Powell, pretends to be a CPHS News Reporter, AP Mitzi Powell smiles on the sidelines of Gupton Stadium in 2019. After three and a half years as assistant principal at CPHS, Powell is leaving to take the job as the district's Career Development Coordinator. "I just want to say thank you to everyone who embraced me when I first got hired here and who has been part of my journey and coaching me and actually listening to me and supporting me along the way," Powell said.

Little Firecracker

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
December 16, 2020
Find out which of the Wolfpack reporters you are most like in today's quiz.

Which Wolfpack Reporter are you?

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
December 9, 2020
Eyes forward and head out of water, junior Thomas Wu competes at the 5A state championships in February. Wu made it to the finals for the 100yd butterfly and 100yd breaststroke events.  “Breaststroke has always been my best and favorite strokes since I started swimming, and I have spent a lot of time and effort working on it,” Wu said. “For the past year or so, I've also been trying to expand my horizons and improve my other events. For example, last year I really focused on the 100 butterfly and I improved a lot finishing fourth at the state championships.”

A “Pool” Kid

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 27, 2020
The anticipation for the second season of "Unsolved Mysteries" was short lived. Now that it's here, it's the only sequel I would recommend people to watch.

The Only Sequel Worth Your Time

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 25, 2020
Being eligible to vote this year, many seniors took the 2020 election as a way to have their voices heard. Some voted early from Oct.13 to Oct. 30 and others voted on general election day on Nov. 3. “I felt excited [to cast my vote] and I was hoping everyone who had not yet previously voted would go out and vote,” senior Maddy Helm said. “Every election is important, but [because of] the times our country is facing right now, I felt it was very important to cast my vote and to have my voice heard.”

Gen Z Takes on 2020 Election

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 5, 2020
For the first time in my young life, I decided to attend an event related to the Cedar Park City Council. Although it was an enlightening experience, the problems I saw within the hour and a half forum makes me hesitant on attending another event.

Look Who’s Growing Up

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
October 26, 2020
I've been invested in the true crime world for years, and a great way I've been learning about cases lately is through podcasts. Read more below to find my top true crime podcasts which may or may not make you question humanity.

A Rotten Listening Session

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
October 5, 2020
Making the choice to come back or stay home took a lot of consideration; from the learning environment to extracurriculars and to the protection of family members. “Extracurriculars had a huge impact on my decision, ” senior color guard captain Zoe Courtade said. “I feel an obligation to my team, directors and younger members to help them through these times and be there anyway I can. I want to be back on campus so I can teach my freshmen in person, and get to know all my members more personally. I would be missing out if I chose to do virtual [learning].”

In-Person vs. Virtual Learning

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
September 10, 2020
Smiling, senior Lindsay Doves poses for the camera. Dove has played eight theatre roles in her high school career, all varying in genre. However her favorite was Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde." “I got to perform as a character I wouldn’t normally play,” Dove said. “Altering my appearance and personality was probably the most difficult part of playing Elle Woods. I prepared by seeking constructive criticism from my directors and walked in heels for the entirety of rehearsal to get used to Elle’s energy.” 

Taking the Lead

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
May 22, 2020
Walking towards her family, senior varsity basketball captain, Takara Holst, smiles while holding her scholarship check on Jan. 23. Holst received the scholarship as part of the KVUE Scholar Athlete of the Month Program. "I was in complete shock," Takara said. "The fact that not only KVUE, but also Ted Lorenz himself came to grant me a scholarship was just amazing."

Aiming High

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
January 27, 2020
Before I decided to buy a memory box, I kept all of my objects in the drawers of my desk and dresser or in folders. After a while, it piled up and for a couple of months, my intention was to buy a box of some sort to contain them all. Finally, after an impromptu trip to Michaels and an offer for photo boxes that I could not resist, I bought a memory box. 

I Forgot That You Existed

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 28, 2019
The 2019-2020 Celebrities line up on the football sidelines after their halftime performance on Sept. 27. First year auditionee, freshman Emerald Charity Cox was able to earn a spot on the 2020-2021 Celebrities team. She said that throughout the four days of the process, her feelings varied. 
“My feelings definitely changed as each day came and went,” Cox said. “I was feeling excited on Monday, but on Thursday I was feeling a lot more nervous, [but] I was still feeling confident.”

Making Strides By Leaps And Bounds

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 23, 2019
Sitting on the Gupton stadium football field on Sept.27, junior Celebrities captain Rylee Tonacao performs at halftime with fellow team members. When Tonacao received the news that she was chosen as the 2019-2020 Celebrities dance captain, she was shocked. "It's not that dance teams or drill team in general have like a set [grade]," Tonacao said. "But typically captains are seniors and I just had that mindset going in. So, obviously I was shocked."

A Leap of Faith

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 8, 2019
Surrounded by her fellow band members, sophomore Kierstyn Born holds the UIL state championship trophy. Born played Icarus in this year's show. She said that although she was nervous leading up to finals, afterwards she felt confident in their performance. "I was thrilled because I genuinely thought that was the best we had ever done," Born said.

Back to Back to Back

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
November 7, 2019
Tony and Tina's Wedding Slideshow

Tony and Tina’s Wedding Slideshow

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
October 7, 2019
Homecoming Spirit Slideshow

Homecoming Spirit Slideshow

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
September 20, 2019
As an opportunity to empower women, freshmen Paisley Schalles, Ava Manci, Ellie Keller and sophomore Katie Smith are teaming up with English teachers, Sarah Alarcon and Kim Vidrine, to host an All-Girls Considered (AGC) podcast chapter. Schalles first learned of AGC through a family friend who is on the AGC board and decided to join the organization this year. 
“I think thing AGC is a very interesting and empowering organization for young women to be a part of, or even just to listen to some of the podcasts,” Schalles said. “We feature strong girls who are making something of themselves in a male-centered economy, so it is truly inspirational to watch.” 

Paisley With a Pod

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
September 18, 2019
Alumna Eunice Lee stands on stage during the first Meridiem Music Marathon in 2018. This year, Meridiem was able to raise over $15,000 for Variety- Children's Charity of Texas. “It was incredibly overwhelming to receive the news that our funds were going towards building a playground at Variety’s Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Children,” Lee said. “I just wanted to do something that would further our society toward building a bridge between communities...and I wanted to do that through music. I think that we’ve accomplished [our mission] with our partnership with Variety and the Meridiem Instrument Petting Zoo.”

Bringing Harmony

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief
September 17, 2019
French teacher, Tammy Nettles and freshman Meredith Jenkins hover over the selection of courses, as Nettles instructs the class. Jenkins baked the palmiers and said that a part from getting the baking time right, the process of making them was easy. "I really enjoyed this project because it was exciting to immerse myself into the cuisine of france," Jenkins said.

Bon Appétit

Estefani Rios, Reporter
May 31, 2019
Student journalist discusses the future of news and shares statistics.

Journalism is Dead?

Estefani Rios, Reporter
May 7, 2019
The piña colada ice cream is one of many unique flavors at I-CE-NY in Lakeline Mall.

Roll With It

Estefani Rios, Reporter
March 22, 2019
I walked into the movie with high expectations and I was disappointed.

No, It Isn’t Romantic

Estefani Rios, Reporter
February 20, 2019
On Jan. 2, Gauny joined the Twitch affiliate program. This program allows streamers to earn money via Twitch subscriptions, bits (a type of virtual cheer), game sales and it provides subscribers with emotes (Twitch emojis). “When I became an affiliate on Twitch, I felt excited to be able to interact with my stream in new, fun ways,” Gauny said. “For example, I [can] now make emotes for my channel, which allows my audience to have more fun and be for interactive.”

Finding His Niche on Twitch

Estefani Rios, Reporter
February 7, 2019
Gnash released his debut album on Jan. 11, 2019.

“I Would Hit Rewind”

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 23, 2019
Katlyn Weeks (12)

Katlyn Weeks (12)

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 1, 2019
Year Rewind

Year Rewind

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 1, 2019
Miranda Strawther (11)

Miranda Strawther (11)

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 1, 2019
Lucy Walter (9)

Lucy Walter (9)

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 1, 2019
Lacie Perry (9)

Lacie Perry (9)

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 1, 2019
Jeffrey Morphis (11)

Jeffrey Morphis (11)

Estefani Rios, Reporter
January 1, 2019
Freshman Carlton Marcom poses with fellow Rising Star Ava Caldwell. Marcom auditioned on Nov. 29 after attending multiple clinics leading up to audition day. "The first day, it went super fast, we learned a really [difficult] routine [at a] really fast pace," Marcom said. "But at the end of tryouts and clinics I [felt] more confident because of practice."

Hitting Their Mark

Estefani Rios, Reporter
December 10, 2018
Helping out Jess Gilles, an instructor for Hopeful Hearts, freshman MJ Kelly poses with horse Hercules on Oct. 20. Kelly rode on Hercules and practiced their trotting and right diagonal. "Hercules is a really chill horse, but once you get him going he can go really fast and do some incredible things," Kelly said. "He's also super sweet, so he works well with kids."

Time to Volunteer

Estefani Rios, Reporter
October 22, 2018
If you can take away anything from this let it be that although we may classify ourselves as introverts, we still like to be included. Being introverted is not a disease, and it does not define a person.

The Quiet Shall Speak

Estefani Rios, Reporter
October 3, 2018
That's Not My Name

That’s Not My Name

Estefani Rios, Reporter
September 14, 2018
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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School
Estefani Rios