They sit at their desks with secrets that are never to be told. They relieve pressure off students’ backs. They are the ones to help you, make you feel safe, and above all else, listen to you when no one else will. Welcoming you with gentle smiles, they’re ready to do anything for you to ensure there are no bumps in the road. Introducing: the counselors.
There are a total of six counselors at CPHS. Students are given a counselor based on their last name. The lead counselor is Sarah Cable with the last names from A-B, followed by Lauren Phledder C-Ga, James Sullivan Ge-Kn, Kelli Taylor Ko-N, Brittany Hernandez O-Si and Annette Hanson Sk-Z.
A counselor’s day changes depending on what happens during the school day. Since counselors are responsible for organizing different events, academic advising, course selections and are there in the event of a crisis.
“Our day is dictated by priority and student health is always priority number one,” Cable said. “Because of the unique role that we play, that not only helps students complete high school, but [helps] set them up to be successful when they leave us. So understanding where they’re going, when they’re leaving us, what’s involved in doing that, if mentally and emotionally, they’re not ready for that yet, [we help] them to build the bridges to get there.”
According to Cable, counselors are constantly tracking credits to make sure that everyone completes the requirements and ultimately ends up graduating high school.
“I love being a counselor just because you really get to know students on a different level,” Cable said. “In the classroom, you build a relationship with students and you get to know them, but it’s a whole different relationship in the counseling office. I get really excited when students get to go to the schools that they want to do and [do] the careers that they want to do, and [when] they’re excited about their future that makes me excited too.”
In addition to helping students with their academics, counselors also help them deal with their emotions. Cable said families or students will stop by their office to receive support.
“Whatever you need, if it’s a simple question, a complicated situation, whatever it is, the counselors are here to help,” Cable said. “If there’s a difficult situation going on in a classroom or with a friend or with a family member we are their advocate completely, whereas a teacher has to toe the line in the classroom or a principal has to toe the line for the campus, our sole job is to advocate for students which I think is pretty awesome.”