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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

Jane Yermakov

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor

Jane is a junior and an assistant editor. She’s always excited to meet new people, give them a voice and put their stories into writing. She loves listening to all different types of music, reading and binge-watching nostalgic rom-coms. She loves to write about people and their unique stories. After graduation, she’s still not sure what she wants to do, but hopes to attend UT Austin. She’s obsessed with looking too deeply into movies, watching corny shows with her friends and she loves her dog.

All content by Jane Yermakov
Typing away on her computer, junior Stephanie Manoel works on an assignment for her cybersecurity class. Being involved in DECA, which requires students to take CTE course, and having taken Computer Science I in her freshman year, this was the first course Manoel considered as she already felt familiar with the environment. “I’d definitely recommend this class to anyone interested in pursuing computer science or cybersecurity,” Manoel said. “The workload is manageable, but still gives you the knowledge you need. Overall, it’s the environment that keeps me motivated to come to class every time.”

Digital Defense

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
March 24, 2025
“Companion” is a dark comedy ready to make you laugh, gasp and root for the non-human.

Betrayal, Love and Robots

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
February 28, 2025
Handing out business cards and putting up fliers, juniors Natalie Le (left) and Valerie Hall (right) promote their HOSA Community Awareness campaign “Backs on Track.” Working collaboratively with juniors Avani Eckert and Morgan Tran, the group is presenting their portfolio of this project at the HOSA Spring Leadership Conference on Feb. 7. “We chose to discuss back pain and posture because we felt the more common and popular ideas were already widely highlighted and we wanted to spread awareness to something less known,” Tran said. “Because this idea can reach a wide variety of audiences, we felt this topic would be appropriate and could easily be used to spread awareness to all of the community.”
Photos courtesy of Valerie Hall

The Backs on Track Project

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
February 6, 2025
Typing on her computer in her AP Research class, junior Valerie Hall can be seen making edits to her research paper. Hall’s project is focused on the relationship between celebrities and their fans and how that affects purchasing celebrity products. “Since the career path I’m looking into is focused on science and research, I hope to gain experience from this entire journey in AP Research,” Hall said. “As this certainly will not be the last time I write a research paper or construct a study, I hope to have gained knowledge on exactly how to do that in the future. I have received so much support from Mrs. Brannan and my peers as well.”

The Capstone Countdown

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
February 4, 2025
Taking a group photo, the Celebrities are sitting together in New York on their thanksgiving trip. According to captain Mia Caldwell, her favorite rehearsal was the NBC rehearsal with the producers in front of Macy’s. “We got to perform at night in front of Macy’s, which was completely decorated for Christmas with the most magical lights,” Caldwell said. “It was something that seems so iconic to the holidays in New York. After a few days of being in the ballrooms of a hotel, it was a great reminder of where exactly we were and just how special a performance with all my best friends was about to be.” 
Photo courtesy of Sara Leon Briceno

Big Apple Adventures

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
December 23, 2024
Looking past a defender, junior Ahnna Breiner searches for a teammate to pass the ball to. The girls basketball team started district play on Dec. 10 and is now 3-0 in district and 15-3 overall. "I feel really good," Breiner said. "We've been winning a lot and playing more as a team. Our team chemistry is very good, and I'm very confident going into district."

[Photo] Nothing But Net

Skyler King, Reporter
December 19, 2024
After placing second in their respective LDEs at the Capital District contest in early November, freshman Jesus Jaramillo-Gallegos and freshman Wyatt Pickett will compete at the Area XII LDE contest in Georgetown on Nov. 23. Jaramillo-Gallegos is competing in Greenhand Spanish Creed Speaking, while Pickett’s LDE is Greenhand Creed Speaking. “Honestly, [I’m excited for] just traveling around, maybe meeting more people,” Jaramillo-Gallegos said. “And [I’m] nervous about probably just not being able to define my weak areas. I feel like I did decent for my first time ever doing this. I just think it’s fun.”

All About Agriculture

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
November 22, 2024
Candidate Sade Fashokun is running for Place 5 on the LISD School Board. Photo courtesy of

Place 5 – Sade Fashokun

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
November 4, 2024
Candidate Zach Zayner is running for Place 4 on the LISD School Board. Photo courtesy of

Place 4 – Zach Zayner

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
October 30, 2024
Candidate Anna Smith is running for Place 4 on the LISD School Board. Photo courtesy of

Place 4 – Anna Smith

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
October 30, 2024
Candidate Nekosi Nelson is running for Place 3 on the LISD School Board. Photo courtesy of

Place 3 – Nekosi Nelson

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
October 24, 2024
Candidate Jim Sneeringer is running for Place 3 on the LISD School Board. Photo courtesy of

Place 3 – Jim Sneeringer

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
October 24, 2024

Behind the Ballot: Registering to Vote

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
September 30, 2024
The album that rocked Jane’s world: “The Alexander Technique.”

Back Pain Has Never Sounded So Good

Jane Yermakov, Assistant Editor
September 23, 2024
Senior executive editor Natalie Murray, senior associate editor Lily Cooper and junior designer Ava Eaton all sit in conversation with recent clients. After the completion of the Parks and Trails Foundation logo, representatives visited the T-Wolf Agency to provide thanks for all the work done. “I know how beneficial it is to be able to work with clients,” Murray said. “We had a previous executive editor come back and tell us how good of an opportunity it is to have this agency here especially if you want to go into graphic design after high school. The people she’s in classes with didn’t have any access to the things we do here and there's only one other LISD school that has a class like this. It’s just a really good opportunity to get real world experience especially when we get to work with people outside the school. It’s just so real to get that experience with actual clientele and how things really work in the industry.”
Photo by Paige Hert

Sketch to Screen

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
February 23, 2024
Supporting senior Gavin Horton by his shoulders, sophomore and actor Darius Normandi poses for a group picture with part of Clue’s cast. The play will be in the cafeteria, bringing other challenges along with it. “I’m really excited because I’ve never done a 360-degree level cafeteria performance before,” Normandi said. “I really hope it turns out well, but I don’t have any experience with this kind of thing. I trust that other people know what they’re doing though. It has been tiring with all the late nights going home after school, but I really hope everyone enjoys it and that our efforts have been worth it.” Used with permission from Leilani Ibanez

Get a Clue!

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
February 2, 2024
At CP night that occurred Jan. 30, treasurer and senior Tiffany Lam on the right spent the evening introducing HOSA to potentially interested in joining students. ““This year they updated their guidelines and what they’re looking for,” Lam said. “We were surprised but I think it’s a good thing that they updated it because some of the stuff was a little bit more outdated. Last year when I was preparing I did a lot of textbook studying which I kind of regretted when the competition came. Now I’m doing a lot more physical and hands-on practice which is a lot more beneficial and for skills that can be used in real life.”
Photo by Arav Neroth

Healing with HOSA

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
February 2, 2024
This busy holiday season is usually portrayed as a time of joy seeping through the air. What else seems to be seeping through the air? Stress, procrastination, coldness and more. Hopefully, this list can prove helpful in the endeavor that is gift giving and get one thing off the to-do checklist. Graphic by Jane Yermakov

Snow Much Love

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
December 21, 2023

Elf on the Stage

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
December 1, 2023
Standing in the golden hour’s orange light, Irish music artist Hozier performs at Austin City Limits’ biggest venue. The annual music festival provides opportunities for attendees to both enjoy familiar artists and discover new ones. “I didn’t know Thirty Seconds to Mars [before I went to ACL], but I really love them now because the lead singer put on a great show,” sophomore Mykaela Tapia said. “He was inviting people up to the stage and at one point there were almost sixty people on stage. Matthew McConaughey was there too. [The lead singer] started off the show on a platform right below the roof and he jumped off that platform and I thought that was so cool. The concert was really hype. Even though I wasn’t familiar with the music, I still liked the performance.”

From ATX to ACL

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
November 2, 2023
Laughing while laying on the football field for a better camera angle, senior Tylie Biggs, Tracks Yearbook Design Editor, takes pictures at the JV football game against Hendrickson on Oct. 12. The journalism programs work year round to provide continuous coverage over the events happening in the community. “I think it is important to have journalism kids and others in broadcast out there [on the football field] because I know when we’re out there, even during the bad times of the game, it helps having us around the team and supporting them,” Biggs said. “They can’t hear everything happening in the stands, so having us there to keep the team going and encouraging them really does mean more to them than we think.” Photo by Jane Yermakov

Friday Football Footage

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
October 20, 2023
Frozen in place, the actors sophomores Leilani Ibanez, Ben Akers and Mia  Morneault perform in front of an audience for the PNG performance. The game they were playing is called "Suggestions" where the audience dictates what happens in the scene.  “PNG is like a family," Akers said. "We joke around and sometimes we hate each other but most of the time we love each other and we’re always there to support each other. You can never really control who you interact with at any given time which I think is the funnest part of it.”
Photo courtesy of Cadence Teicher

On the Spot

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
October 19, 2023
Handing a towel to a coach, freshman Norah Goett  fulfills her duties as an athletic trainer at the JV game against Vandegrift on August 31. As a part of being a student trainer, Goett is required to go to every football practice and game. "I enjoy the fun of helping people,” Goett said. “Being able to go to the games and be on the field and have that experience is really cool.”
Photo by Alyssa Fox

The Anatomy of Sports Medicine

Jane Yermakov, Reporter
September 19, 2023
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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School
Jane Yermakov