COVID-19 Vaccine Administered in LISD
Vaccinations Part of District-Wide Effort to Fight Coronavirus
Every school’s healthcare workers receives a vaccine per LISD health guidelines. Vaccination has been part of the district’s plan to fight COVID-19. “With so many confirmed COVID-19 cases happening at our school, it’s important that I receive it now to limit the exposure,” school nurse Tara Frost said.
February 12, 2021
School nurse Tara Frost received a vaccination as part of Leander Independent School District’s new policy that all district workers who are age 65 and over are able to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.
The announcement came as the Texas Department of State Health Services issued guidelines surrounding the vaccine, with frontline healthcare workers and those over the age of 65 considered part of phase 1A and 1B, respectively. According to the TDSHS, phase 1B also includes those who are 16 years of age or older that have a pre-existing health condition like cancer, heart problems and obesity. LISD is following CDC guidelines and releasing the vaccines in a similarly tiered approach.
“As we continue to get more active in our community, we have the likelihood of seeing cases go up,” Frost said. “I make sure our environment is safe and that we don’t have sick students on campus. I also help families/staff understand COVID-19, and how to access their healthcare. It’s important that I receive my vaccine.”
All COVID-19 vaccines require two doses. One is for the body to recognize the coronavirus, the other is so the immune system can concoct a way to eradicate it. After Frost’s first vaccination at Hutto High School, she waited about three weeks before getting the second one at a Williamson County Health department-designated building. Frost recalls a bit of soreness and fever with the second dose and took some Tylenol to mitigate the effects.
“I realize to be the 1st to get any vaccination has some risk to it,” Frost said. “I think there are still some questions of how long this vaccination will last for and if it will be fully effective for future strains of the virus. I also realize that I have to be at work to care for the students and staff, and that my family and I don’t have time to be sick or be in the hospital for two or more weeks.”
Before the vaccination itself, Frost had to fill out a vaccination consent form that asked her about any medical history, including allergies and medications. The chance of an allergic reaction like anaphylaxis is rare, with rates of four out of 155,000 people found in the country of Singapore.
“I was not nervous about getting it, but I did do my research before getting it,” Frost said. “I trust our scientists that developed this vaccine.”
So far, CPHS has tried to limit the exposure through regulations on visitor access and increased sanitization of classrooms, but with such an infectious disease like the coronavirus, a few will slip through the cracks.
“I am supporting staff this year to help everyone stay healthy,” Frost said. “What we choose to do off-campus matters. I encourage health among my students on campus.”