Lovin’ the Farm Life
Senior’s Journey Through FFA
Photo by: Daimia Partin with Little Bear Photography
Posing for senior pictures, senior Callie Hobbs shows her dedication to FFA with her District Officer jacket. Hobbs started FFA in the fall of 2016 when she was in seventh grade, and as a Junior FFA member, she raised show swine and went to shows around the county as well and around Texas. “I wanted to take pictures with my cattle to show off the livestock projects that I have spent months training, preparing, and showing,” Hobbs said. “These pictures serve as a way to look back on past memories and to give me a chance to see what my animals look like when the judge sees them from a different angle. Sometimes it is hard to know what to change or fix about my animal until I can see them from a different angle, but it’s hard to do that when I’m walking them so the pictures can help to show me what to improve.”
October 19, 2021
She wakes up at 5 a.m., and as soon as she enters the barn, her nose is filled with the smell of dung, dirt and hay. She heard the sound of her boots stepping into the mud as she walks to feed her pigs. As she exits the barn, she rushes to school, hoping to get there on time. Then, she repeats the process all over again after school. This is senior Callie Hobbs’s daily routine as a member and officer of Future Farmers of America (FFA).
Hobbs interest in FFA started at a young age, as she has grown up in the agricultural industry her entire life.
“My family and I own cattle, so I grew up riding shotgun in the farm truck [and] watching my uncle work,” Hobbs said. “As I got older, I too began helping around the ranch, and fell in love with livestock.”
Hobbs recently got selected as the FFA Chapter President, as well as the Capital District Treasurer. Hobbs raises money for swine projects and shows swine all around the state at both local and major events.
“I compete on the Senior Agricultural Quiz and Chapter Conducting Leadership Development Events in the Fall,” Hobbs said.
During the Spring, Hobbs competes in the Floriculture Career Development Event and advanced to State in this competition. Although she joined at the last minute, she said she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment when she and her floral team advanced to state.
“I had joined the team somewhat last minute after another member was unable to go so I had to step up and work extremely hard to ensure that I could be the best team member possible and learn all of the material in just a few short weeks before the Area and State competitions, so when we advanced I was proud of myself and the girls on my team,” Hobbs said.
According to Hobbs, the camps and conventions that she had had the opportunity to participate in have been some of her favorite parts of the program. She has attended leadership camps and exciting conventions such as the State Convention, Area Convention and Area Leadership Camp.

(Photo courtesy of Ashley Clark)
“Livestock shows are my favorite events to go to because that is when I get to show off my swine projects that I have been working with all year,” Hobbs said. “I have to get up early for shows and I go to bed late, but the memories and fun that I have had have made it all worth it.”
Having been a Junior FFA member, Hobbs looked up to the officers before her and they became mentors in her life, resulting in her wanting to become a chapter and a district officer.
“I wanted to lead the newer members of our chapter and of our district just as my friends had led me,” Hobbs said. “Past leaders have inspired me to be a better officer through showing what it truly means to be a leader and how impactful it can be to have a mentor there to help guide me through the new experience that FFA was. I wanted to be a mentor for the upcoming members just as past leaders had done for me.”
Agriculture Science teachers and FFA advisor Shannon Butler oversees livestock, projects, competitive events, public speaking events, officers team and other different competitive teams. Butler has known Hobbs for three years.
“I have seen, especially over the past year, her confidence just jump through the roof with speaking in front of people,” Butler said. “When I first met her, she would get embarrassed really easily and get all giggly and her face would turn red, and over the past year after being selected as a District FFA Officer and Chapter President, she’s owning her role now as a leader in the program.”
The election process included an application, an FFA knowledge test, a popular vote and a personal interview.
“I think as a district officer that was a really awesome opportunity for her to step up and take more responsibility,” Butler said. “As a chapter president, I feel that she is very kind and welcoming, and fits the role very well, and would do good for our program.”