Senior Spotlight: Noah Torr

Katelyn Gaus, Guest Writer

“Welcome to the Wolfcast sports report, I’m Noah Torr.”

From his start as an independent reporter writing about basketball, to becoming the face of the Wolfcast Sports Report, senior Noah Torr has found his place amongst the hustle-and-bustle of sports journalism.

“I’ve always loved watching and studying sports,” Torr said. “Publishing my work online gave me an outlet to share my passion.”

Starting two years ago as an independent journalist for a NBA blogging website, Torr developed his writing and deepened his understanding of sports reporting. When he was choosing his classes for senior year, Torr’s friend encouraged him to apply for CP’s broadcast program. Torr was accepted into the program and immediately asked to be part of the leadership team as the Sports Director. Throughout the past year, Torr’s interest in journalism, combined with his passion for theatre, has shifted his focus more towards broadcast journalism.

“Theatre was a big part of my life for many years, and speaking in front of a camera is thrilling in the same way as as being on stage,” Torr said. “I’ve always had a passion for acting and performing, so having that translate into part of my job as a journalist has helped me find a future career path I’m excited to pursue.”

Courtesy of Noah Torr

As a part of the Wolfcast, Torr has been able to experience many high school events from a different perspective. Torr could be spotted on the sidelines at every football game and most other sporting events throughout the year, live-Tweeting the score and interviewing coaches, players and administrators about what was happening on the field.  

“You can feel the adrenaline and emotions much more intensely when you’re on the sidelines and only 10 feet away from the action,” Torr said. “You get so caught up in every moment of the game, it’s almost like you’re part of the team.”

Torr plans to attend Baylor University this fall and major in Journalism.

“I’m stoked to go to Baylor and to learn more about mass media and journalism,” Torr said. “I can’t wait to take my love for sports and writing further and share my knowledge with the world.”

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