Smart Art

Ceramics, Design Student Uses Talent, Teaches Kids At Studio

Photo courtesy of Kelsey Jones

Senior Kelsey Jones spends 12-18 hours per week as an assistant teacher at an art studio called The Studio. “I think my favorite part of the job is interacting with the kids,” Jones said. “I’ve been teaching some of the same students for four years now and I truly cherish those relationships.”

Kaley Johnson, Reporter

On three days of the week, for four to six hours each, senior Kelsey Jones works at The Studio, a local art studio where she is an assistant teacher for kids’ classes. She has taken art classes from her current boss since she was five years old, and said that she learned more about herself and how she likes to express herself from doing so.

“I’ve been making art ever since I can remember,” Jones said. “With painting, it’s just a fluid and freeing thing to be able to sketch out an idea and then put paint to paper and bring something to life. You can create such detail and so many beautiful complex colors with paint. And with ceramics, you get to work with your hands more which I love and make things you can use every day but put an artistic spin on it.”

Jones said that growing up, she went through other interests and hobbies but none of them stuck around like art, despite the fact that not every medium is for her.

Kelsey Jones’ piece called “Taking Root” won a Gold Key in January. “I didn’t really have an exact idea for this piece when I first started it,” Jones said. “Once it was built, I realized that a more natural design would look better with the brown clay.”

“I used to be a swimmer,” Jones said. “I had done that since I was six, but after swimming for so long I was just kind of over it. Although I liked it, I just wasn’t as good at it as I was at art and I had no true passion for it as I do with my art.  I love to paint and make pottery, but I am not a huge fan of drawing because I like to be more fluid with my art and the way I create things and drawing doesn’t really give you that.”

Being a part of school activities such as National Art Honor Society, Art Club and art classes like ceramics and AP Design, Jones said that revolving her schedule around art has allowed her to grow and learn along with her peers.

“I really liked art club and National Art Honor Society because it gave me a chance to create fun projects and it’s a great platform for artists to get to know each other and share ideas,” Jones said. “I also really enjoyed AP design and highly recommended any other artists at CPHS to take that class if they have the chance. It really gave me the opportunity to develop my art and bring it to a new level.”

Having worked at The Studio since freshman year, Jones said that her job has helped her develop her passion for art. With a new group of kids every hour, Jones’ responsibilities involve getting students set up on their work once they arrive and going back and forth from kid to kid, giving advice and making conversation. She is also responsible for many of the cleaning duties at the end of each hour.

“Some classes are crazier than others and there is a lot of multitasking,” Jones said. “One kid can be working on a sculpture, [while] the next [is at] the pottery wheel, and another three or four [kids are] painting and drawing, so you just have to be on your toes ready to help wherever you are needed.” 

Jones said that this job has been something she has been able to look forward to every day and that she is most grateful for the experience to teach and help others learn about art.

“I think my favorite part of the job is interacting with the kids,” Jones said. “I’ve been teaching some of the same students for four years now and I truly cherish those relationships. I cannot count all the hilarious things I’ve heard some of my students say and all the fun times we’ve all had joking around as a class and making art that they are proud of. The kids can be crazy, smart, creative, and so extremely funny. Every day I get to spend time with them and teach them is just another day I get to make an impact on their lives.”