Children’s laughter and parents’ chatter reigned over a game and candy-filled late October Sunday. Trunk or Treat, hosted by Student Council, was a huge hit Oct. 28 among little kids in the community. Some clubs that participated included FFA, PALS, Environmental Club, FCCLA, Key Club, NHS and Cheer.“There’re so many different varieties of games, and it’s so fun to see everyone dressed up, especially the cute little kids,” Key Club Senior Representative Meg Groves said. “It’s a great opportunity to get the community together and to meet new people and just have fun.”
Clubs at CPHS have been hosting Trunk or Treat since 2007 with different organizations and clubs from the school setting up games in car trunks while the younger kids go around in crazy, funny and adorable costumes playing the games and winning candy.
“I like making a horsie at the arts and crafts booth,” four year old Angela Lamm, who dressed up as a fairy princess, said. “My favorite candy is lollipops and M&M’s.”
CPHS hosts trunk or treat every year because it is a tradition that helps with the canned food drive, and gives students a chance to be around kids and get community service hours.
“Just seeing the smiles on the kid’s faces, and just to see them all happy and having fun is my favorite part of Trunk or Treat,” Groves said.
Mrs. Stapleton, teacher sponsor of the DECA club attended Trunk or Treat to help with their booth.
“My favorite part of Trunk or Treat is getting the community to come out and getting the students involved,” Stapleton said.