Book it to Lab 7

Yearbooks Are in, Distribution Begins Tuesday


Sydney Miner, Reporter

After 65 b-days, the 25 members of the Tracks yearbook staff created content for 280 different pages with 170,000 photos and over 700 interviews. From summer camp in June at UT Austin to the final deadlines in March the staff has been working to complete the final book.

Yearbook distribution will start in Lab 7 on May 22 for anyone to pick up or purchase a yearbook. Books are $75, but there is a limited number left so make sure to buy one early.

“It’s weird to think that what I and everyone else has been working on for practically the entire school year will be continuously looked at for the rest of our lives,” junior Katelyn Tschoerner said. “I love the final outcome of the yearbook, not only is it cool to see every spread that we’ve been creating individually be put all together.”