On Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013, the five high school dance teams will perform at the IDance showcase at the Leander High School PAC.
“IDance is a district wide show,” Stacy Danielson, the Cedar Park Celebrities director said. “It’s like a mini spring show, and gives the public a glimpse of what the teams have planned for the year.”
The sophomore celebrities, the newest addition to the team, are excited about performing in IDance for the very first time.
“My favorite part is being able to work together with all of the other teams on one stage,” sophomore Mackenzie Lawrence said. “It’s really cool to be all together performing.”
Another sophomore, Caroline Woodall, agreed.
“It’s our first big show of the year,” Woodall said. “It’s a good way to show people this year’s team, and what we’ve learned so far.”
The high school teams performing will be the Cedar Park Celebrities, the Leander Blue Belles, the Vista Ridge Star Steppers, the Vandegrift Legacies and the Rouse Royals.
“Each dance team will perform four dance numbers,” Danielson said. “The middle school’s dance team officers will also be performing, as well as the JV teams.”
There are two different times for the shows, 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 each, sold in the CPHS multi-purpose gym. You can also email Ms. Danielson for more information at [email protected].