Over this summer, multiple changes will occur at CPHS. Among numerous technological improvements, almost every wall in the school will be repainted. Teachers are required to take down everything from their walls and box up any items in the room before the end of school this year. They have to take home any personal or breakable belongings and the campus is responsible for securing district-owned materials. The stress of packing has left a few teachers feeling frazzled, but the hope of a new and improved school more than compensates for those feelings. All of the major renovations are scheduled to be completed by Aug. 3 so that there will be enough time to prepare for the new school year. Smaller projects that are not as time sensitive have already been completed or will be completed soon.
Desktop and laptop computers, and 300 of the current computers will be replaced because they are getting close to the end of their five-year replacement cycle. Almost every teacher in the school will receive additional computers in their classrooms, especially core-curricular subjects. The school is receiving additional document cameras and clicker systems.
All of the computers at CPHS will also be stripped of their current software and replaced with new network software by use of a new on-demand software installation system call ZENworks. Over the summer, all existing network wiring will be stripped out and replaced with a network capable of carrying a faster connection. Because the current electrical infrastructure wouldn’t be able to handle this increase in demand, additional electric power circuits will be added as well.
Not unlike the circles of life, the structures, major equipment, and systems in the school undergo rotations. The parking lot and curbs surrounding the school are repainted every five years, and the tennis courts and track are resurfaced every six. The interior and exterior paint of the school is refreshed every 10 years, along with the replacement of water heaters. Classrooms and offices are re-carpeted every 19 years, roofs every 20 and the parking lots are replaced every 40. The school’s appearance and functions are maintained by these life cycles, which are created according to the condition of the equipment.
“If a piece [of] equipment or system is in good shape, then we don’t replace it, we adjust the life cycle,” Gerry Rapp, Assistant Director of Construction and Facilities, said. “Likewise, if we have a piece of equipment or system failing prematurely, then we adjust the life cycle to replace it.”
The life cycles are a reflection of the information and data collected and can be adjusted as needed.
Based on current information, there are a number of upcoming renovations scheduled at CPHS; 2010 will see the replacement of the Public Announcement (PA) system; 2011, resurfacing tennis courts; 2012, the repainting of the track; 2013, HVAC renovation (air-conditioning) replacement; 2017, artificial turf will be replaced; and in 2018, the carpet in the classrooms will be replaced. These upcoming renovations are sure to keep our school looking and functioning at its highest potential.
Setting up all of the technology with power, network drops and construction all occurring at once will be difficult, but the end result will be a drastic improvement for the school and have a positive impact on its students. Renovations will continue over the years as the life cycles of certain systems come to an end. Prepare to be amazed August 24 after this summer’s renovations, when our school will be stronger, faster and better-looking.