Wolfmart stops selling ramen
In preparation for B lunch, senior DECA members Alyssa Cepeda and Christina Land ready themselves. “We advertise more for cookies now because we depend on them,” Cepeda said. Now that ramen is outlawed, the Wolfmart sells water, G2, and Otis cookies.
September 16, 2014
The Wolfmart sold their last cup of Ramen Sept. 11. Once a top-seller, ramen now violates USDA nutrition guidelines because it has too much sodium and its first ingredient is not whole grain.
Ramen made up about 50 percent of the Wolfmart’s total sales, according to DECA Adviser Kimberly Stapleton, who oversees the student-run enterprise.
DECA, which operates the Wolfmart, uses the store to finance their club.
“DECA spends its money on social events throughout the year and expenses for competition at the district, state, and international levels,” senior DECA member Daniel Matas said.
DECA is currently searching for new products in conjunction with LaBatt Food Service Representative John Gallimore and Lead Cafeteria Manager Robin Plett.
“We’re considering snack items the cafeteria doesn’t sell that would be a whole-grain meal replacement,” Stapleton said.