Hearts for the Homeless
Club Starts Item Drive To Help Homeless
The box used to collect items for the drive. this was desigmned by every member of the club according to Shipps and there were several prototypes as well. “We have all grown super close.” Carter said. ” I feel that we have gotten to know each other much better and as a result we are much stronger.”
December 20, 2019
The African American Heritage club started an item drive to help out the homeless. The drive hoped to raise one hundred pairs of socks, bars of soap and toothbrushes through the holiday season. The event was created in conjunction with the organization hearts for the homeless, which is a charity group focused on helping the homeless and needy. This drive is also the first item drive the club has hosted, according to the president Stella Shipps.
“We must set a good example for others to follow,” Shipps said. “People often get caught up in their own life and forget that others may need help as well. Our volunteering provides unity throughout the many facets of the community.”
The organization Hearts for the Homeless also partnered with other schools in the Leander district. They have packaged collected items and shipped them to shelters and other places of need according to club sponsor Tiffany Asha. The collected items were packaged into dignity packs on Dec. 14.
“This is important because many people are struggling,” junior Kennedy Carter said. “They just need a little extra support and I feel this [drive] may help them get back on their feet so that they have some of the necessities that we take for granted everyday.”
But the drive isn’t just another activity for the club, it’s also a testament to Joseph Madunume who was the former sponsor of the club before he, unfortunately, passed away according to Asha. The club had only six members at the time of his death according to Vice president of the club Jasmine Walker. Since then, the club has grown to over seventeen members and counting.
“If Mr. Madu could be here he would be very proud of us,” junior Mariah Leonard said. “He loved to help the community and he taught us to be a good representative of not only our people but for the community as well.”