Holt takes over teaching choir
The varsity women’s choir sings “Somewhere” from West Side Story at the A Cappella Concert on Feb. 5. At the concert, all the choir groups sang together a chorus of songs to demonstrate the evolution of A Cappella. “This concert was really fun,” sophomore Seasons singer Faith Cox said. “It was very successful, because our main goal was to have fun and I had a blast.”
February 18, 2015
Choir teacher of thirty years, Beth Gove stepped down at the end of last semester, and now Lisa Holt will be leading the program. Many tears were shed over the loss of Gove, but choir students welcomed Holt to the program.
“I will miss everything about Mrs. Gove,” sophomore Seasons singer Faith Cox said. “I think not getting to see her spunky personality every day is what I will miss most.”
Although the previous teacher was loved by her students, her replacement is skilled as well. Holt has been teaching high school choir for eight years. She first got a job here at CPHS in 2007 as the assistant director, and continued in that position until 2010 when she moved around the state to teach at other schools such as Churchill HS in San Antonio and Klein Oak HS in Spring. Now she’s back and ready to lead as she takes over for Gove as the Choir Director.
“It’s great coming back to so many old friends and familiar faces,” Holt said. “ Not to mention how receptive and awesome the students have been.”
As with all changes in leadership, there will be changes in the way things are done. Holt has many goals to improve choir, and hopes to create a welcoming environment and include more of the student body into the program.
“The changes are fantastic, but I’m not quite used to them yet,” JV singer Michael Scandariato said. “It’ll take a little settling in, but that shouldn’t take long with all the enthusiasm and encouragement Mrs. Holt gives.”
One of the programs goals is to make concerts more cutting edge and enjoyable for the entire audience, regardless of the style they are performing. They want to engage everyone in attendance, and treid that with the A Cappella concert on Feb. 5.
“I’ve tried to alter the typical concert format by showing how A Cappella music has transitioned through the last century, from early barbershop to music from the Pentatonix,” Holt said.
Students in choir look forward to growing and improving with Holt in charge and seeing her ideas and concepts for the program.
“I will miss Mrs. Gove’s treasure trove of stories, her humor and all the memories we shared as a choir were great while they lasted, but I think Mrs. Holt will definitely help refurbish our skills as a choir,” Scandariato said .