Suntime Funtime
How Students Are Planning to Celebrate the End of a Tough Year
Photo Courtesy of Ethan Robertson on Unsplash
Summer is a time for fun, warm weather and spending time with family and friends. “I can’t wait to finally be able to see more people this summer,” junior Sarah Johnson said. “I haven’t really been able to see my family as much as I wanted too due to COVID, why is why this summer will be special.”
May 25, 2021
High temperatures, ice cream and vacations all over the country. Summertime is approaching fast, and with it comes the promise of relaxation and a break from responsibility. Hopefully, with the turn of this summer, CPHS students will be able to take a breath in the wake of an interesting year to say the least. One student, in particular, junior Kayden Fanner is particularly excited for the end of the school year.
“Summer for me has always been something to look forward to,” Fanner said. “Ever since I was a kid, summer meant I was finally able to relax and kickback. I think it’s important to take a break, especially for students that have to deal with the stresses of life. I’m just ready to be done with schoolwork.”
Statistically speaking that’s exactly what 79% of Gen Z will be doing this summer, according to YPulse, a youth newsletter website. Their article states that most of Gen Z have had their summer plans changed or interrupted on account of the pandemic. However, junior Piper Vu is still looking forward to enjoying a bit of free time after such an eventful year.
“I’m most excited to hangout with my friends this summer,” Vu said. “Especially because last summer was so limited. I’m also going to Zion National Park this summer. This past year taught me a lot about not taking things for granted and how to not focus so much on the past.”
Not all students, however, will be focused on taking it slow this summer. Junior Sarah Johnson is planning on having a more productive summer. She said she is mainly looking forward to college visits and working over the summer to save up for next year.
“I’m most excited to tour college campuses this summer,” Johnson said. “I plan on taking a road trip with my friend to the University of North Texas. I think it will be a fun experience and also a good way to see if I would want to attend that school. This past year has brought me so many unprecedented events that have altered the way I view school in general. I’m hoping to make some good memories before school ends”.
While Johnson may have summer plans, the risk of COVID-19 is still on the national radar. But there may still be hope yet, according to a study from NBC News 50% of the U.S has had at least one vaccine shot as of April 18. This could mean that we are one step closer to returning to normalcy.
“I missed out on a lot that I wanted to do last summer due to COVID,” Vu said. “This summer I want to make the most of it by focusing on getting myself established for next year. I think this summer is the time to make up for last year and celebrate surviving COVID.”