Book Review: “Supernova”
Author Releases Final Book to “Renegades” Series
Marissa Meyers released “Supernova”, the third and final book to the Renegades, on Nov. 5.
November 14, 2019
After almost a year of waiting, Marrissa Meyer released her third and final book of the Renegades series on Nov. 5, the title to the end of the thrilling superhero trilogy: “Supernova”.
I first heard about the series during a book club meeting. I have always been a fan of superheroes and villains, so discovering Renegades, a book focused solely on heroes and villains and the gray line that separates them, was an almost guarantee that this series would become one of my favorites. And low and behold, I immediately fell in love.
“Renegades” follows the story of Nova Artino, a teenage girl with more than a few secrets. To the Anarchists, the group of villains in Gatlon City, she is known as Nightmare for her ability to put people to sleep with the touch of a hand. To the Renegades, the city’s self-proclaimed super heroes and leaders, she is known as Insomnia and can provide aid most hours of the day since she never needs to sleep. However, Nova’s loyalties lie with the Anarchists, and Insomnia only serves as a weapon in their ultimate plan to wipe out the Renegades.
Adrian Everhart, the adopted son of the two highly praised superheroes, Captain Chromium and the Dread Warden, has the ability to take anything he draws and pull it into reality. As a member of the Renegades, Adrian spends most days establishing peace and order in the city, with the help of other superhero prodigies. He has no clue that one of his most trusted teammates, Nova, has secrets that threaten to destroy his parent’s legacy. With characters representing both the superhero and villain side of the story, the book Renegades shows that the difference between good and evil is never black and white, and no one is entirely one or the other.
Immediately following the incident that ended the second book, “Supernova” introduces the main problem within the first few chapters, creating enough suspense and excitement to hook the reader. With her uncle and the Anarchist’s leader in prison, Nova’s secrets are dangerously close to being discovered as she works to destroy the hypocritical superheroes running her city and save the only family member she has left.
During the first two books, I had a difficult time continuing after the first few chapters, as the beginning was somewhat slow. However, the beginning of the third book was immediately eventful, and chaos continued to fill the pages until the very end. Despite the slow starts in the first two books, I was extremely impressed by the character development, not just with Nova and Adrian, but also with many of the side characters. Meyers stayed true to this in the third book, putting both the main characters and supporting characters through trials that defined their presence and importance in the books.
Although there are a few romantic moments between Nova and Adrian, the entire series is not focused entirely on their relationship, making it even more enjoyable. Despite their feelings for each other, each character was forced to deal with the more serious problems, guaranteeing that this would not be just another sappy romance novel. Meyers did a great job describing the complex emotions a teenager often times experiences during a relationship while also proving that not everything revolves around romance.
Overall, I really enjoyed this series because of the writing style and character development throughout all three books. Supernova was definitely my favorite, as it presented an eventful and fulfilling ending to a heartfelt story that dealt with normal problems in a supernatural way. With a great plot and remarkable characters, this series has become one of my favorites.
“Supernova” is available for purchase at Barnes and Noble and Amazon, as well as to borrow at the library.