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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School

The Wolfpack

Taking a breath as he raises his arm up and out of the water, sophomore Kaden Padilla swims the 500 freestyle at the UIL state meet on Feb. 21-22. Padilla placed 10th overall and second in the consolation final in the event, dropping two seconds. “My family was there, so being able to drop time for them was really special,” Padilla said. “It was awesome [finding out I advanced to the consolation finals]. I wasn’t expecting it, and I was very surprised. My parents being there definitely made me a lot happier knowing they got to see me swim in finals.” Photo by Skyler King.

Making Waves

Skyler King, Reporter March 7, 2025

Standing on the top of the podium, senior Ella Mongenel waits to receive her gold medal. As the medal gets draped around her neck, she poses for pictures with a broad smile on her face. She holds up a...

Taking a breath, senior Parker Huang cuts through the water while swimming the 100 breaststroke at the district meet on Jan. 23. Huang advanced to the regional meet in the 100 fly, 100 breast and 200 medley relay. “It’s been really exciting to see everyone make it [to regionals],” Huang said. “There’s been a lot more people who have been advancing than last year, so it’s really awesome to see that.”
Photo by Skyler King

District Domination

Skyler King, Reporter February 3, 2025

Standing on the side of the pool, senior Ella Mongenel waits for the sound of the whistle while breathing in the chlorine in the air. She puts her goggles on and takes off her parka. After two sharp sounds,...

Sucking in a breath of air, freshman Lily Pope competes in the 200 yard individual medley. On Oct. 25, the swim team competed in the AISD Swim Invitational. Overall, the girls team took second place and the boys team came in eleventh. “My favorite stroke is butterfly because I do the best in that stroke,” Pope said. “I feel like [butterfly] can test how [your ability] to convince yourself to keep going. The hardest part of swimming is convincing yourself to stay strong and keep pushing during a hard race [when] everything is tired.”

Diving Into Competition Season

Kassidy Wilkinson, Reporter November 8, 2024

The smell of chlorine hangs in the air as the swimmers stand on the diving blocks. A whistle blows and they all bend down in ready position. An official clicks a button, sounding a loud beep. The swimmers...

Senior Abigail Boyle helps sophomore Ella Mongenel out of the pool after finishing their 4x100 freestyle relay and securing their place in the final the next day. “After this picture, I ran to hug the rest of her relay team as Ella waited in the water for the rest of the girls to finish,” Boyle said. “When she got out we all hugged and celebrated together. We were exhausted but super excited for what the next day had to bring.” (Photo courtesy of Abigail Boyle)

Swimming Their Way to the Top

Ava Callaway, Reporter April 10, 2023

For the first time, the girls swim team, as well as diver and senior Pierce Brooke, took home the gold at the state championship meet as their season came to an end in February. With head coach Les Greenwood...

From left to right, junior Mickie Koltz, senior Thomas Wu and freshman Ella Mongenel pose with their medals after competing at State. All three of the students passed the preliminary competition, with Wu earning gold for the 100-meter breaststroke and Koltz and Mongenel earning bronze for the 200-meter individual medley and 100-meter freestyle respectively. “State this year was probably the best meet experience i’ve ever had,” Wu said. “While I had won last year, the guys and girls meet was separated and there were limited spectators, and so it was definitely not as exciting. This year, though, we had a very large team go from Cedar Park, and that honestly just made everything so much more fun.”

Life in the Fast Lane

Madison Shields, Reporter March 31, 2022

He dove into the pool and felt the cool water against their skin, knowing it was the last time seniors will swim with the rest of the team. The swim team competed for UIL state on Feb. 19 at the University...

Eyes forward and head out of water, junior Thomas Wu competes at the 5A state championships in February. Wu made it to the finals for the 100yd butterfly and 100yd breaststroke events.  “Breaststroke has always been my best and favorite strokes since I started swimming, and I have spent a lot of time and effort working on it,” Wu said. “For the past year or so, I've also been trying to expand my horizons and improve my other events. For example, last year I really focused on the 100 butterfly and I improved a lot finishing fourth at the state championships.”

A “Pool” Kid

Estefani Rios, Editor-in-Chief November 27, 2020

Jumping off the starting board, he heads straight into the chlorine infested pool water. The lack of spectators are replaced by cameras live streaming and the fastest swimmers in the nation surround him....

Senior Caroline Kessler, Coach Meghan DeWees and Mason Luna-Howell talk strategy during a tri-meet against Leander and Stony Point on Oct. 4. The team won the meet with a total point score of 302. "The best part of the meet was being able to cheer everyone else on," sophomore Marian Bouchot said.

New coach swims to CPHS

Hunter-Rose Comtois, Reporter October 10, 2014

Splash, swim, rotate, repeat. Then Meghan DeWees' whistle blows loud to define the end of practice. DeWees is the new head swim coach this year. She’s always been into swimming and has coached at...

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The student newspaper and broadcast of Cedar Park High School