CPHS Students March for Science
courtesy of senior Deena Ismail
CPHS student’s participated in the Science Fair march, and senior Deena Ismail took pictures of different signs and slogans that made her laugh.
May 10, 2017
Scientists, teachers, students, engineers and more stormed the Austin capitol on April 22 to create conversation and change in regard to the current administration’s stance on science. The administration has employed many changes to our government’s distribution of information, while expunging some Obama era environmental polices. Some of the changes include the defunding of many STEM [science, technology, engineering and medicine] programs, changes to the “Clean Power Plan” and proposed budget cuts to the E.P.A.
Marches like this one have been a monthly occurrence for 2017, as people from all across the state participate in exercising their right to protest. In an effort to protest disagreeable opinions and polices, each month has warranted a march, such as [in order of month]: The Women’s March, Black Lives Matter and Martin Luther King Jr. memorial, “No Ban No Wall” and The March for Science.
A handful of CPHS students have been avid participants in all of the marches, and for the March for Science, some honor societies, like Science National Honor Society, gave hours for attending the march.
While hours weren’t her main goal, senior Deena Ismail marched with other members from SNHS.
“My favorite part about the march was seeing everyone’s signs,” Ismail said. “There were a lot of funny puns, and there was even this guy dressed as Abraham Lincoln holding a sign that said, “Trump is Evil.” But my favorite sign was definitely this one made a joke about the null hypothesis and it said to reject the null POTUS.”
While some, like Ismail, participate in marches because they truly believe in helping, others went because of the need for hours, like junior Ricki Rosario.
“I participated in the Science March because I saw it as a fun way to get the hours I needed for Rho Kappa,” Rosario said. “Being one of the kids who joined the march mostly because of the hours, I think that most of us [that went because of the need for hours], didn’t know what to expect but once we started participating and getting into it, we all had a great time.”
Though his initial reason may have been because of hours, his ideas coincided with the thoughts of the march.
“Science is what advances us further as a society,” Rosario said. “Marches like these are important because they spread awareness on that fact. Governments should not be allowed to withhold scientific information from the public. Everyone has the right to know the facts.”
Advancement in society is one of one of the main reasons that junior Mina Kim thinks that science is important and a part of the reason she marched.
“I think science is important because it’s something unique to humans, something representative of our innate curiosity of the world and beyond,” Kim said. “It’s honestly inspiring, the way we cannot just turn mere things into known objects, but also use our knowledge to benefit ourselves and others.”
Like Rosario, this was Kim’s first march and her thoughts mimicked those of Rosario.
“It opened my eyes to the power of the people,” Kim said. “Everyone was marching for a singular purpose and it was great to be a part of it and be with like-minded people.”
Spreading awareness is a large reason why marches like these happen, however sometimes the benefit of marches is called in to question, as well as the ability of a single person to enact change.
“I think that change begins with an individual and that everyone has the potential to be a positive impact if they choose to be,” Ismail said. “I don’t know if the march caused any big changes, but it definitely brought more attention to the issue and showed that a lot of individuals care enough to be that positive impact.”